1.1 Background
Customers are the purpose of what marketers do and rather than them depending on marketers, we very much depend on them. That is the main reason why organizations today are focusing on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Satisfaction is an overall customer attitude towards a service provider, or an emotional reaction to the difference between what customers anticipate and what they receive, regarding the fulfilment of some need, goal or desire (Zhang & Feng 2009). Customer loyalty is actually the result of an organization creating a benefit for a customer so that they will maintain or increase their purchases from the organization.
The retail store industry, in particular and all businesses whose service depend on building long term relationship need to concentrate on maintaining customer loyalty. In this respect, loyalty is greatly influenced by product quality, service quality and brand image. As such, retail store often invest in managing their relationship with customer and maintaining quality to ensure that customer who are loyal in the short term will continuously be loyal in the long term.
Loyalty has become important over the past few years because of increased competition within respective industries. To be successful, organization must look into the needs and wants of their customers. That is the reason why many researchers and academicians have continuously emphasizes on the importance of customer satisfaction, loyalty and retention.
Customer satisfaction is important because many researchers have shown that customer satisfaction has a positive effect on an organization’s profitability according to Jahanshahi et al 2011. Due to these consequences, customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction must be considered. There is also a positive connection between customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Market becomes so competitive. Nowadays, businesses competing to cater customer
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