The Big Bang Theory premiered on CBS in 2003. When the show began it centered on five characters. Four of the five characters are genius young men whom all work at the same university as scientist, Leonard Hofstadter, Sheldon Cooper, Howard Wolowitz, and Raj Koothrappali. With their love of comic books, role-playing games and individual quirkiness these characters are examples of “nerds”. The show begins when roommates Leonard and Sheldon meet their neighbor Penny, a beautiful all be it dumb blond whom is aspiring to become a actress, but works as a waitress at The Cheese Cake Factory. In 2011 Sheldon and Howards love interest, Amy and Bernadette, whom previously held supporting roles were promoted to full time members of the cast. This offered a new element to the show providing a contrast to the mainly male dominated show.
The main female charter on the show The Big Bang Theory is Penny, whom interestingly does not have a last name. For the first 4 years of the show of the five main characters Penny is the only female. The under representation of females seen in The Big Bang Theory is a common occurrence in media as discussed by Collins in the article “Content Analysis of Gender Roles in Media” Collins states that “television primetime males out number