Induction Program
1. Purpose of induction program
The induction program is designed to help new employees to become familiar with the requirements of their post and adapt to their new working environment as quickly as possible.
The process of inducting a new employee is not complete until he has become thoroughly and satisfactorily adjusted to his job, understands the importance of his work in relation to the company operations, is familiar with basic company policy, regulations or office rules and develops confidence in his management, fellow employees.
2. Benefits of the induction program
• To help you to develop contacts with those staff with whom you will need to liaise in connection with your job.
• To ensure that you are aware of how your post relates to the work of the Department as a whole.
• To provide a planned introduction and training period which will assist you to become competent in the duties of your post.
• To provide you with an overview of how the company works and an understanding of its mission.
3. Induction plan
Induction plan should cover all factors in induction checklist. This plan should include questions:
• When to do?
• Who to do?
So that, you should design a table which include column such as number, types of work, who train?, when, what are records?
4. Induction records
HR department must collect all records related to induction plan above.
5. Related docs to induction:
• Induction training
• Induction process
• Induction checklist
• Induction questionnaire
Induction training
1. Organization
• History of company
• Mission
• Vision
• Organizational philosophy
• Organizational objectives
• Organizational structures
• Industry
• Products and services
• Customers
• Employee’s department
• Facilities
2. Company culture
3. Compensation
• Pay schedule
• Payroll deductions
• Worker’s compensation
4. Benefits
• Credit union [ if any]
• Employee purchase