All of the places that Mr. Askins used to eat were old-fashioned and they have since closed. One of his favorite places was a restaurant called the Seven Steers; many tech students ate here because it was relatively cheap. Mr. Askins still went to the Fox Theatre because they had the organ and that was where the newsreels were played; Mr. Askins also enjoyed the architectural history of the theatre. Mr. Askins would attend the different churches, not for the religion but for the architecture. His father gave him a new navy blue Pontiac for graduation which he used to drive to his new home in Charlottesville, Virginia. He lucked out because he met someone at a conference who happened to know someone who was renting an …show more content…
Askins was in Virginia for two years with summers off. He got lucky again that one of his classmates had attended Attingham Park School, which was an American funded program in England that allows students to visit English country houses. The program was related to historical architecture, and it had the best lectures possible. It was one of the best things that Mr. Askins has ever done in his life. Mr. Askins received a half scholarship to the program and stayed for the full extent plus a couple of extra days. The experience was very intense they started at the crack of dawn and went late into the night, but he had the best time he had ever had in his life. He had been working as a summer intern and they allowed him to leave to attend this program. After his trip the architectural firm allowed every intern they had to attend the Attingham Park School fully funded by the company. Mr. Askins still says it is the most amazing thing he has ever done. The program gave him a new level of confidence because he was working with members who were experts in their specific fields. It helped him develop a taste in architecture and renewed his interest of working with the peripherals included with historic architecture. Going through this program gave him the whole picture when it comes to building classical homes and he believes it is likely the drive and spark behind his …show more content…
Askins received a number of chances to further explore architecture. Paul Buchanan would take people he liked on occasional weekend field trips. They would go to some of Mr. Buchanan’s favorite houses in the countryside of Virginia that were very well secluded. They would arrive and Mr. Buchanan would say “Okay, you have 30 to 40 minutes and then I want you to reconvene here and when you come back tell me how the house progressed” as well as many other questions. Mr. Buchanan would then quiz everyone on what they thought occurred and he would correct them if they were wrong. Mr. Askins would take it as a challenge and he learned so much from Mr. Buchanan. Mr. Askins was completely independent by this time and was able to develop a taste for collecting historical objects. Mr. Askins started collecting things in high school and every item he has ever purchased has a story. He decided to leave to get married as well as the fact that he would not rise any higher if he stayed. He went to school for six years to practice architecture and he was going to practice architecture. He was absorbing information and connections for four years and he decided to utilize this knowledge. He had the most fun he had ever had in his life in Virginia, but he felt it was time to move on. He chose to go to Atlanta because it is more progressive and people were more willing to spend