Myisha Coleman
July 22, 2012 Big Data Dr. Dani Babb
Big Data The Volvo Car Corporation was founded in 1927. Since that time the company prides itself upon leading its competitors in safety and engineering of its automobiles. As time and technology have evolved so has Volvo and the products the company is offering its customers. Owners of a Volvo automobile have the privilege of being equipped with the latest technology to meet their transportation needs and expectations. Volvo’s mission is for customers to feel safe in their products. The purpose of having a high tech computer system in their cars is to help the customer predict maintenance issues before they occur. Volvo is using the most current technology to provide a proactive experience for its customer. Volvo has placed “sensors, controllers and up to 60 microprocessors per vehicle. Onboard Computers perform a wide range of control, monitoring and diagnostic functions in the Engine, Transmission, braking and traction control systems, cruise control, climate control, passenger Compartment and instrument” (A Car company Powered By Data, 2011). These micro processors are connected to the Volvo cloud network. Each system produces a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) when it detects a problem with the car. Errors that require immediate attention will trigger the Service Engine Soon light. “Trouble codes are typically stored in the engine control units (ECU) until the vehicle requires scheduled
Bibliography: (2011). A Car company Powered By Data. TeraData Corportation. (January 2011). Converting Data into Business Value at Volvo. Lamont, J. (2012). Big Data has Big implications for Knowledge Management. KM World , 8-11.