Marissa Rodriguez
Ashford University
English Composition II
Shannon Bilunas
May 13, 2013
Big or Small We All Have the Right to Stay In Business Can small businesses be competitive with big businesses? I feel that no matter how large or small we all have the right to stay in business. We all need a form of income in today’s world. Weather we live in large or small cities small business do play a big part in some people’s lives. Big and small business need to remember that at one time we all came from nothing and worked hard to be where they are at now. Business need to practice the good neighbor police.
In today’s world there are so many different types of business’s to choose from. You have the large chain stores for examples Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depo and the list can go on and on. You also have the small mom and pop stores that have been around forever and little hole in the wall stores. There are many times that you can find the same product at each store with a slight price difference. Now of days, you will find that the big chain stores are trying to run the small family base businesses into the ground. Yes business is business but let’s play fair. It is important to remember proper business ethics. Being professional and courteous is key. There is always a right and wrong way to handle business issues. Just because large businesses have a little bit more power and income that the smaller businesses, doesn’t give them the right to walk all over them. Or treat them with any disrespect. It is important for us to have options or choice when it comes to what and where we want to buy things from. All the big retail stores have many different products to choose from and from time to time sales. Where on the other hand small businesses many not have a large selection to choose from they may only carry the basic necessities. This is where having choices are important. This is where