Bigfoot is, without a doubt, the biggest unexplainable mystery in all of North America. Although the history has been documented for years, several people agree that Bigfoot is not real. Researchers have found that 70% of Bigfoot sightings have been a misidentification. Scientists label Bigfoot to be a hoax rather than a living animal. The question remains, what are the most compelling pieces of evidence proving Bigfoot 's nonexistence? J.W. Burns who contributed to the legends part in a newspaper coined the origin of the Bigfoot legend, also known as Sasquatch, in the1920s. However, in 1958 is when the Bigfoot legend spread throughout the United States after Gerald Crew claimed to find large footprints of Bigfoot at a …show more content…
construction site. Throughout history, stories of a giant, ape-like creature have existed in various parts of the world. However, all of these stories have ended up being hoax proving Bigfoot is not real.
There are several pieces of evidence supporting the nonexistence of Bigfoot. One of the biggest fact is the lack of quality in evidence over many years. For example, throughout history there have only been few witnesses, blurry photographs, and some fake footprints. Why is it that every time a recording of Bigfoot has gotten caught on camera, there are always branches or trees in the way? There is only one explanation: the people recording it have made it a certain way so the video is unclear to the audience. Many eyewitnesses who have claimed to see Bigfoot have only gave blurry images. However, these images are no proof. According to Benjamin Radford from Discovery News: "These photos show something that is probably alive, it 's probably dark, it 's not a cat, it 's not a camel. It could be a Bigfoot, or it could be a deer or it could be a guy in a suit." "Ultimately," he concludes, "it 's a two-dimensional image. It 's pixels." Why is it that Bigfoot is always too far away to the point the hiker couldn’t get a more clear shot? Roger Patterson 's 1967 film exposes Bigfoot as a hoax and was one of the most famous recording from Bluff Creek, California that furthermore supports the nonexistence of the creature. This film shows a giant, ape-like creature walking through the forest, clear enough to be recognized as something that looks like Bigfoot, but still extremely grainy on video. The chance that this film is real has been highly debated. However, the truth has finally been revealed after almost forty years. The film was indeed a hoax.” In this film, people have come to realize that the creature who was known to be “Bigfoot” was actually an ordinary man who wore a costume. According to Tom Harris in “How Bigfoot Works,” he states, “…the suit was designed by John Chambers, the special-effects master who created the costumes for the original "Planet of the Apes" movies. Chambers denies any involvement, but the rumor persists.” The motive behind faking Bigfoot can vary from the large reward given if the creature is found, to simply enjoy fooling others.
Every year, many cases of Bigfoot sightings are classified as misidentifications.
However, the most common misidentification is thought to be of an American black bear. In “How Bigfoot Works,” Tom Harris states, “A bear in the wild will stand up on its hind legs, possibly giving the impression of a tall primate. Impressions are highly subjective, skeptics note, and may be skewed when a person has heard a bunch of stories about a strange creature in the woods.” With Bigfoot being a large ape-like, hairy man beast looking similar to American black bears, misidentification is common. A recent study has found the bears look similar to Bigfoot because they are about 7 feet tall when walking on their hind legs. The average Bigfoot sighting makes the creature about 8-9 feet tall and 500-600 pounds. However, they would not have enough food to survive. If these creatures were eating 5000 calories worth of animals and plants, why isn’t there a shortage in the food chain? Simply because Bigfoot does not exist. One of the most famous of these misidentifications was of a hiker recording what he claimed to be “Bigfoot”, in 2007. According to “Bigfoot debunked,” a man from Pennsylvania captured a small Bigfoot on his camera while trying to record any animals in the area. However, when the Pennsylvania game commission analyzed the footage themselves, they concluded the recording was not of Bigfoot, but was of a bear with a severe case of mange. Emily Upton from “The Origin of Bigfoot” also …show more content…
adds in, “Looking at the picture, it could also just as easily been a human in a suit.”
As mentioned previously, the average Bigfoot was believed to be 8-9 feet tall. Josh Fox brings up a reasonable point in “Top 10 Reasons Bigfoot Probably Doesn’t Exist”, stating, “The point being that if tens of thousands of 8-foot tall, 500 pound ape-men were out there, we 'd have found them by now.” While there are various different species discovered every year, they are all found out to be tiny animals in the sea. If there was a possibility of giant, hairy creatures that appeared to be living in different parts of the world, people would have found several of them by now. An extremely common explanation for Bigfoot sightings is that people are simply trying to trick others. In “How Bigfoot Works, by Tom Harris, he states, “There was even once a thriving market for “Bigfoot feet” to create your own prints to trick your family and friends. People still even dress up in ape costumes and ghillie suits in order to perpetuate the legend.” Faking Bigfoot prints would be very easy. In order to add to this belief, all someone would need to do is use plaster to make two large feet and attach them to the bottom of their shoes, or leap. With technology growing everyday, Sasquatch voices could easily be faked as well. Scientist’s say by using a computer program, pranksters can change the voice from human to animal. Whether people truly believe Bigfoot is real or not, one thing is accurate, everyone likes rewards.
Currently today, there is a $1,000,000 reward that will be given to anyone who can bring back the body of Bigfoot. Eric Brown from ibtimes also states, “Cain, best known as the star of “Lois & Clarke,” is set to host a reality TV series offering a $10 million prize for anyone who can find proof of Bigfoot.” With so many rewards and money offered to anyone who finds Bigfoot, why hasn’t anyone brought back a dead body after shooting the beast? If they have, scientists analyze the body and realize it is not real. For example, on January 2014, a man named Rick Dyer claimed he shot Bigfoot dead. He says trapped the beast with $200 of ribs before killing it on September 6, 2012 in San Antonio, Texas. However, scientists were not impressed because Dyer never provided any proof except for a blurry video he took of the creature, which was common with hunters who faked they saw Bigfoot. However, In “The Origin Of Bigfoot” by Emily Upton, states that Rick Dyer and Matthew Whitton found a Bigfoot body and posted it on Youtube. This was just a scheme for money. As expected, after taking “Bigfoot’s body” on tour to many different cities and making about $60,000 from people who desired to view the creature, Dyer finally revealed the truth. On March 2014, he admitted how he had made another phony prop to fool the
world. While there are tens of thousands ape-like creatures believed to be roaming around North America since the fifties in the form of “Bigfoot,” the question remains, why have no skeletal remains or fossil record of a large mammal which might be a 'Bigfoot ' been found? According to Discovery News, “Putting aside paleontology, Radford points out that today, if Bigfoot exists, it must disappear when it dies. "There 's no hard evidence in the form of bones. There are no hair samples, there are no live or dead specimens.” Many others fossils, including dinosaur bones, have been found in the same soil of other creatures. Then where could the fossil record of Bigfoot have possibly gone? While some believers claim that there are bones in the woods that does not prove Bigfoot’s existence. Although Bigfoot has been researched years and is probably the most recognized mystery in all of North America, the apelike being is nothing but a hoax and has been proved to be so through blurry pictures and videos, fake evidence, and serious of misidentifications.
Works Cited
"10 Reasons Why Bigfoot 's a Bust: Photos : DNews." DNews. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 May 2014. <>.
"Bigfoot Killed in San Antonio?." N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2014. <>.
Fox, Josh. "Top 10 Reasons Bigfoot Probably Doesn 't Exist - Listverse." Listverse. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2014. <>.
Harris, Tom. "How Bigfoot Works." HowStuffWorks., 30 May 2001. Web. 5 May 2014. <>.
Korff, Kal. "The 'X ' Zone Radio & TV Show: Exposing Roger Patterson 's 1967 Bigfoot film hoax." The 'X ' Zone Radio & TV Show: Exposing Roger Patterson 's 1967 Bigfoot film hoax. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2014. <>.
"Misidentifications - Bigfoot Debunked." Misidentifications - Bigfoot Debunked. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2014. <>.
Radford, Benjamin. "Blimp Project to Search for Bigfoot : DNews." DNews. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2014. <>.
Upton, Emily. "The Origin of the Bigfoot Legend." Today I Found Out RSS. N.p., 23 May 2013. Web. 4 May 2014. <>.