Jose Canseco’s book Juiced was written to alert all fans of the truth and make his voice heard regarding the current situation (1995) with steroids and how steroids were introduced into the game of baseball. Having personally introduced steroids into the sport, Jose Canseco who was also known as “the chemist” was consistently sought out for advice and guidance from many of his fellow co-workers on the proper use of steroids and human growth hormone to build bigger and faster bodies which would consequently deliver enhanced performance, increased fan base, more sponsorships and bigger contracts.…
The feeling and knowing that you got rewarded for something you work very hard for is the best feeling. Players using steroids miss out on that feeling. You will be reminded that using steroids made you great, you was never great on your…
Use of anabolic steroids, like use of multi-vitamins, does not enable one to become a “Superathlete”. These drugs work, to the extent that they do, only when combined with hard work, dedication, persistence, and the exercise of other athletic virtues (Rosenthal, 2005). But if the nature of sports is that it is a competition to determine which athlete has developed his or her skills to the utmost, perhaps use of anabolic steroids frustrates such a determination, since the user/hard worker may have an unfair advantage over the mere hard worker (Quinn, 2005). Let's call this argument against the use of anabolic steroids the “Argument from Unfair Advantage”. The general form of this argument is the following: use of anabolic steroids gives the user an unfair advantage over non-users; therefore, use of them ought to be prohibited. A different reason to think that the premise is true is that, if use of anabolic steroids were allowed, athletes who would use them would have an advantage over those who would not. This might be true, but it does not itself tell us why that would be an unfair advantage. It is permissible in professional baseball for a pitcher to get daily massages in order to help his pitching arm muscles recover more quickly, and this pitcher has an advantage over another pitcher who, because of a lack of time, location or finances, cannot receive daily massages. But it is not clear why this fact alone means that the first athlete…
One way the childrens toys are effecting kids today is by making the boys take steroids to reach the muscle mass of the unrealistic G.I. Joe doll. In the article Angier states, “Each new vintage of G.I. Joe has been more muscular and sharply defined, or “cut” than the model before” (424). Because of the increase in the muscle mass of the G.I. Joe doll more teenage boys have started using steroids: “Some 18 percent of high school athletes in the United States are thought to use anabolic steroids, about twice the figure of [1988], according to some estimates” (Angier 424). To stop the use of steroids we must make them aware that it is ok for them not to be as muscular as the G.I. Joe and other dolls.…
In the article “Kid on Steroids Willing to Risk It All for Success,” published on, March 3, 2008, author Jacqueline Stenson, examines how professional athletes who are using steroids are having a strong influence on the younger generation to use steroids in order to help their performance and be able to fulfill their dreams of making the pros.…
The usage of steroids gives the user an unfair advantage over other athletes that have worked hard to gain muscle mass without using steroids. It is easy for someone to cheat and win. With steroids, you are tricking your body. You are creating something that is not you, and that is why you are cheating. It is estimated that as many as six million Americans have used or currently use steroids. It is unbelievable that somebody could somehow live more easily and more pleasantly because of chemicals. It is fine if someone is using steroids to recover from an injury so they can get back to work and behave like an ordinary person, but God forbid they should use anymore steroids than necessary and become unusually strong. That would be morally wrong. In the same way, it is fine if people use Prozac to feel normal, and it is fine if they use Xanax to calm down before giving a speech; as long as these drugs are used only for the point of functioning as a citizen. However, as soon as the person starts using Xanax for fun it becomes morally wrong. Athletes should be regulated closely because anabolic steroids are considered cheating. The use of these drugs violates the rules of all athletics. Anabolic steroids are traced far back in…
Without utilizing modern medicine, some argue, sports will never progress. Authors such as Ian Steadman defend the use of performance-enhancing drugs on the grounds that they are the future of sports. Being competitive and trying to outperform others has, and always…
Most people want to look and perform better. Many people want to be stronger to make themselves look and perform better. Some people achieve this through the use of anabolic steroids. Steroids are a great way to look and perform better, but they can also have many negative effects.…
The United State is a country that thrives on competition. We idolize our sports stars and practically make major athletic events holidays. Children grow up with their favorite athletes plastered to the wall of their bedrooms and dream that one day they will be the next Barry Bonds, Shaqullie O 'Neal, or Tom Brady. Professional athletes train year-round to be in ideal psychical shape in order to perform their best. But what happens when their best just isn 't good enough? We expect our sports stars to be perfect, upstanding citizens and role models but this isn 't always the case. The recent exposure of athletes using steroids has exploded into a phenomenon involving athletes all around the world. It has cheapened sports and cast doubt on the integrity of our athletes. Steroid use is not exclusive to professional sports. More and more college and high school athletes are beginning to use steroids for many of the same reasons that the pros do; to enhance performance, get an edge on the competition, and improve personal appearance.…
The effects of steroid use has been widely documented, especially in the past couple of years with all the high profiled athletes subjecting themselves to a tainted legacy because of the need to keep there competive edge while there skills where slowly diminishing with age. Sending shock waves through the sports world and fans feeling disappointed and confused, athletes have been slowly coming out in the public eye for their past and current steroid abuse. These athletes have been emotionally distressed and this I imagine is extremely hard to adapt to and handle. But what about the physical damagetheir bodies are enduring with these powerful anabolic drugs? This is where a lot of different opinions come in to play, between the so-called experts and the self proclaimed experts. The so called experts being doctors and self proclaimed experts being “JUICERS” in the bodybuilding world. Some people would say “_Well look, he is a doctor he must be right” _ and I would say that I rather take advice after a bad break up from a friend with the same experience than a happily married radio show love expert telling me what is politically correct. But it is very hard to argue science, which leads me to read up on many different articles from the other side. Rick Collins a writer for had a interesting article in 1999, that stated how the public was fooled by the physicians into thinking that steroids was not a performance enhancer and did not make people stronger. He then went on to say that congress, was more worried about making competitive sports pure and not so much on the actual health of steroid users. This being his own belief (not fact) says to me that he might be right. The United States of America has a way of punishing athletes who use these drugs as criminals with huge penalties. This makes Rick Collins argument strong. Something that I also found pretty interesting was that the same physicians who said in the 1980’s that steroids did not enhance…
For the past few years, it has been all over the media; athletes on steroids and how it should be dealt with (Rutherford). But as sports-fan and as a society in general, we can be hypocrites at best. We like to see collegiate or Olympic athletes break long standing records, being in the 100 meters dash, the high jump, or in swimming, but when it is done and over with and later we find out that it was done with the help of anabolic steroids, we want to crucify them.…
While steroids use may improve a players chance of hitting that next home run or breaking the sprint record, and players may make an extreme upgrade on their income. The use of steroids goes against the American vision of hard work because using steroids does become a way of cheating. What is this teaching the little ones looking up to all the baseball players? I don 't believe that steroids use is setting a good example. I also do not believe that steroids use is beneficial in the long run. These MLB players are putting themselves through so many health risks that I do not believe are worth it in the…
One of the most controversial issues with all athletes are steroids. How harmful are they? Is it worth the risk to get a competitive edge on the game? Should it be banned from sports? Steroids are not the answer; not only are there physical bad side effects, there are also psychological effects short and long term. The history of steroids dates back to the 1930s, the were taking from male testosterone originally. They were used to treat HIV-AIDS and cancer. They also helped stimulate bone growth and appetite, in order to help those who had trouble with weight gain. An example of this was a man named Barry Tyson who was suffering from HIV and took steroids in order to help build more mass in order to fight off infections from the disease. He noted that, within the first dosage he had taking at night he woke up the next day feeling like a new man and had abundant sources of energy. Some were along theses lines of using it for good medical use and healing it was lost for the benefit of athletes.…
Should athletes be allowed to use performance enhancement drugs in professional and minor sports if everyone can access them? Or is it an unfair advantage that athletes use to get the upper hand? This argument stands today, which divides opinions around the sporting world. Steroids is known throughout the sporting world as a way to cheat and enhance your physical appearance and abilities, but it is also a life saver and a common way to help the body, there are two sides to it. There are always two sides to an argument one side might think that it is right while the other side will have different views and opinions. As an athlete I know about the use of steroids and I have seen people who have used it. I wanted to learn more about performance enhancement drugs and how they are used in the sporting world and in the medical field. Throughout my research I have seen that there are many different viewpoints and ideas on this topic. Before I could determine my answer I had to know what steroids were and how they affected the body, I had to know the history of how steroids were used in professional sports.…
When anyone talks about steroids, the first sport that comes to mind is bodybuilding. Huge men walk out on stage all tan, oiled up, posing, and flexing their muscles for the judges and the crowd. One of the most famous bodybuilders that have admitted…