2. In other words, what does Texas have that the United States in general possesses?…
In 1944 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt stated, “People who are hungry, people who are out of a job are the stuff dictatorships are made of.” With this being said people have spoken during the 2012 presidential elections, and they have re-elected Barack Obama as President of the United States of America. During President Obama’s first term there were a number of accomplishments that one should make note. Both locally and nationwide, the argument can be made that no president has accomplished more in their first term since Franklin Roosevelt. On the eve of Obama’s inauguration the economy was in shambles. Osama bin-Laden was still a wanted man. The American car industry was about to go bankrupt. The tax code favored the richest Americans. Healthcare costs were rising at astronomical rates. Illegal Immigration had become a central issue. Foreign Oil costs were killing the wallets of Americans at the gas pumps.…
On Tuesday January 20th 2009 in Washington D.C., our 44th president Barack Obama stood before a record breaking crowd of Americans to deliver his inauguration speech which marked the commencement of his four year term. Being the first African American president, the journey that Barack Obama embarked on was difficult but he worked hard to win over voters with his many speeches that promised “Change”; the slogan of his campaign. As president Obama presented his inaugural speech, Americans all over the country witnessed a highly anticipated and great moment in history. In hopes of reassuring his supporters and promising those people with doubts President Obama said, “Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real, they are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this America: They will be met.” With that said it has been almost two years since we elected this democratic candidate to run our country and within his time of being president we have already took notice to a great amount of progress. Though not all issues have been completely solved president…
George W. Bush was our president during some of the toughest times in our nation’s history. But our images of his policies should not be injured because of a few minor errors in intelligence. Once enough time passes as to heal the deep wounds of 9/11 and the controversies in the Middle East, there is no doubt that George W. Bush will go down as one of the greatest presidents in United States History.…
Every generation of Americans has a role in their country’s future. From the founding fathers to today’s young generation; we all play a very vast role in America’s future.…
America, the land of opportunity, has allowed many people to become successful and fulfill the “American Dream.” The freedom that the United States gives to its people allows individuals to become successful, as they desire, without any limits set on how wealthy or influential they may be. Over time many people of the United States have taken advantage of the freedoms given for the good, but many for the bad. After large success comes, a lot of power in the ability to influence others comes as well. The influence of the powerful and selfish leaders in the United States is continuously increasing, which furthermore negatively affects the future of this country and puts the focus on the great country America used to be rather than the current condition of the country.…
A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a group of people, in other words known as a stereotype. Stereotype, the word that was going through my mind when the read the article “Generation Text: The Dark Digital Ages: 13 to 17”. The article written by Mark Bauerlein really had me thinking about how someone could perceive our generation in such a stereotypical way, which basically lumped all of us, with our unique and contrasting ideologies together. After reading Bauerlein’s article he makes our generation sound like kids and young adults who would do anything to acquire social acceptance from our peers. My emotional response to Bauerlein’s essay was upsetting. He sounds oblivious just in the sense that he merely categorizes all kids in the generation [our generation] in a stereotypical manner. Not only does he…
My generation does not have a role in America’s future, we are the future. The world is rapidly changing. Technology is outsmarting us. The military is weakening and my generation needs to step up. The government and economy is in our hands. My generation has many duties and jobs to perform. As the next generation we are learning from the past and conquering the future.…
The three most pressing social issues in the United States today are the economy, lack of appropriate education, and our priorities. In the U.S. today our national debt is over fifteen trillion dollars. Our national unemployment rate is 8.5%. Big businesses seem to continue to flourish at the working classes’ expense. When the wealthy lose their jobs, they tend to have “nest eggs” or resources that they can rely on until another position comes available. Yes, they sometimes have to make sacrifices until they get other means of employment, but usually that doesn’t mean whether to feed themselves or their children. Many people have lost their homes and self-worth along with the economic down fall. This really leads into my next social problem: education. Our educational systems are flooded with all the politically correct information and the testing requirements, that we have lost sight of some value basic information. Many students are able to recite book knowledge, but cannot demonstrate basic common sense. Although, I know that classes like “home ec” are not popular anymore, but maybe a small portion should be mandatory. Teaching our youth about balancing their personal budgets might lead to someone helping our national debt. And if they learned about nutrition and how to cook, then maybe obesity would decline. Finally, is the concern over our nation’s priorities. We say that freedom, security, education is all important, but look at what we spend our money on. We pour millions of dollars into professional athletes, but not into our children’s education or their educators. When we have to wait at airport security or are subject to a luggage search we grumble, but yet we demand security. We want freedom to choice anything we want, but protest when others choose differently than us. There are more social issues I would love to discuss, but with any of these issues come needed resolution that I unfortunately do not possess.…
The next challenge i believe the next president will face is how to help the economy. Our nation owes roughly 20 trillion dollars to other countries. The next president needs to bring this amount down, while still helping lower class people. Today, the economy is not able to do anything but hurt lower class citizens. The next president will need to figure out a way to help these people while not raising our debt to other countries. The president will need to be able to understand different situations, and be able to see things from another person's point of view.…
We have a great task laid before us: to make this country greater than it ever was before. Our economy is failing, our enemies do not fear us, our citizens are being denied the medical care they deserve, Government spending is out of control, our immigration policy is not effective nor efficient, and race relations are continuously dividing our citizens. However, I urge you to not distress. Instead, you should look forward to the great future that lays just down the road.…
Social issues have plagued the women and minorities of our country for decades upon decades, degrading them as if emotions and morals were not evident amongst them. The article entitled "Affirmative Action" states that as representation of minorities and women became more and more necessary, a movement called "affirmative action" became an important issue. Affirmative action is not limited to the uplifting of certain genders and races, but it focuses on establishing standards of certain ethical codes. Affirmative action concentrates on a broad array of issues including equal opportunity, systematic exclusion, and diversity.…
Conclusion- Restate that if these problems are not dealt with accordingly then America faces a serious security crisis in the near future. Problems are fixable but will take work.`…
America faces a plethora of problems and issues on a daily basis. Let's face it, though many view us as superior to all other countries, we, as a nation, are far from a utopia. Because of our supremacy and power, we probably deal with more issues than any other country in the world. But, judging the importance of these issues is simply a matter of opinion. One can argue valid points for multiple issues as being the most important of all. In my opinion, third world immigration and the affects it has on America is the most important problem we face. Third world immigration into the United States of America has boosted poverty levels, put millions of Americans out of work, contributed to over 25 percent of the federal prison population, and has placed a tax burden of billions of dollars on the US taxpayer. The cities that receive the largest number of immigrants also have twice the unemployment rate, three times the population density, 40 percent more people living in poverty, and 40 percent more serious crime per capita than cities with few or no immigrant arrivals. (Coral Ridge Ministries, 1997)…
The pressure to be perfect. The pressure to be skinny like a twig, the pressure to look like a model. This is one of the main problems in our society that is showing up more and more in this generation. Have you ever felt so bad about yourself, that you went to desperate measures? Have someone ever said something to you that completely made you think otherwise of yourself? One by one, more and more girls have been dealing with this. How so? Let me explain.…