i. Identifying more than three or four priorities is usually less effective.
Product innovation, it is important as it is one of the primary ways to differentiate our product from the competition. If we can't compete on price, we look for innovative ways and ideas to make our product stand out from the crowd. Ensuring the continuous promotion of the quality of our product and upgrade its standards of service so that each customer will have an exceptional food experience.
To make profit, it is important because it generates a cash flow that will sustain and maintain the smooth running of our product and the maintenance costs incurred for the efficient running of our business. It will also help us expand and finance our product’s development.
Customer satisfaction, it matters because it is one of the most important components of our product’s positive image. When a customer is satisfied with our product, he or she might recommend it to friends, relatives and colleagues. This can be a powerful marketing advantage for our business.
F. Historical Review
i. Briefly summarize past marketing activities and resulting trends
Before we came up with our product, we had a previous product which is the Snicker Bars, a chocolate bar covered with pancake mix. We didn’t actually try to sell it. We had Rice Krispies instead. It was good but we wanted something more, something better, and something that doesn’t just satisfy the dessert cravings of our customers but something that could give them a complete satisfying meal.
We have a busy world today; most of our time is spent in school or work. Some people barely eat breakfast or have a complete meal. That’s why we came up with an idea of having a meal that people can easily eat or carry. Quickies are made of Chorizo, Rice, Egg, and with our very own special sauce wrapped in a flour tortilla. We also have the Adobo, Rice, and Egg.
We tested our product by giving