Tute Task 1
Scientific Thinking and Research Skills
CORE 11-113
Sarah Anderson
ID: 13137519
Tutorial class: Tuesday 1-3pm
Word Count: 1099
The Truth About Compulsory Bike Helmet Laws Reducing Injuries
As a child growing up in Australia one of the first birthday presents we may receive after we have learnt to walk, is a bicycle. Our parents would always guarantee that we would wear a helmet when we went out to play on our new bicycle, to ensure that we were safe from head injuries but do compulsory bike helmets laws really prevent injury? In this report we will examine the effects of bike helmet laws on reducing injury in bike use.
Throughout the …show more content…
(1998). Evaluation of a bicycle skills training program for young children: a randomized controlled trial. Injury Prevention , 4 (2), 116-121.
Curnow, W. (2005). The Cochrane Collaboration and bicycle helmets . Accident Analysis & Prevention , 37 (3), 569-573.
Macpherson, A., & Spinks, A. (2010). Bicycle helmet legislation for the uptake of helmet use and prevention of head injuries (Review). The Cochrane Collaboration (3).
Mandatory bicycle helmet law in Western Australia. (n.d.). From Cycle Helmets: http://www.cycle-helmets.com/zealand_helmets.html
Robinson, D. (2006). No clear evidence from countries that have enforced the wearing of helmets. British Medicine Journal , 332 (7543), 722-725.
Thomas, S., Acton, C., Nixon, J., Battistutta, D., Pitt, W. R., & Clark, R. (1994). Effectiveness of bicycle helmets in preventing head injury in children: case-control study. British Medicine Journal , 308, 173.
Thompson, D. (1989). A Case Control Study on the Effectiveness of bicycle helmets safety. New England Journal of Medicine , 320, 1361-7.
Thompson, D., Rivara, F., & Thompson, R. (2009). Helmets for preventing head and facial injuries in bicyclists (Review). The Cochrane Collaboration (4), 1-26.