Bill Clinton's Presidency
Bill Clinton’s Presidency Bill Clinton was a successful and effective president during his two terms in office. He had many effective policies, foreign relationships, and domestic relationships. He revived the economy that was destroyed from the past. He handed over the country to another president in the best economy that the U.S. has ever seen. At the end of Clinton’s presidency he created 22 million jobs, the most by any president in the United States (“Bill Clinton”). The homeownership rate grew from 64.2 percent to 67.7 percent at the end of his 2nd term (“The Clinton”). Between 1998 and 2000 363 billion dollars of the national debt was paid off (“The Clinton”). The federal government spending went from 22.2 percent to 18.5 percent under President Clinton (“The Clinton”). This all happened because of his “Economic Plan” in 1993. Bill Clinton had many impactful policies. The “Family and Medical Leave Act” required companies to give their workers up to three months of unpaid leave for their family and medical emergencies, so this made sure that workers wouldn’t get fired for their family’s medical emergencies. The “Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act” lays out a plan to decrease the debt by 496 billion dollars through 1993 by spending cuts and increasing taxes (“American President”). The “Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act” hired 100,000 more policemen and the death penalty covered more than 50 federal crimes (“American President”). The “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy,” “North American Free Trade Agreement,” and the diverse cabinet are the domestic relations. The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy let homosexuals serve in the military, under this policy the homosexuals would not be asked about their homosexual orientation, but they couldn’t have any sexual relationship, or show any romance with member of the same sex, and they couldn’t tell anybody about their sexual orientation, if they did any of this they would be discharge (“American President”). The
References: Center. Phi Beta Kappa Society, 3 Oct. 2012. Web. 10 Jan. 2013.
DEVINS, NEAL. "Bill Clinton." Encyclopedia of the American Constitution.Gale, 2000.Gale
Biography In Context. Web. 11 Jan. 2013.
McDermott, Tricia. "Bill Clinton: His Life." NetTrekker. CBS Interactive Inc., 11 Feb. 2009. Web. 12 Jan. 2013.
"Miller Center." American President: American President. University of Virginia, 2012. Web. 21 Jan. 2013.