Though the Bill of Rights was written over two-hundred years ago it still has major impacts on our lives today. Most people probably do not realize that the Bill of Rights allows them to do things that they take for granted every day, nor could they list more than a few of the amendments that the Bill of Rights consist of. The most known amendments are the first, freedom of speech, religion, and press, the second, the right to bear arms, the fifth, no person shall be held to answer to capital, and the eighth, no cruel and unusual punishment. Those four amendments are not even half of the Bill of Rights. One of the most common ways that people hear about the amendment is when they hear about a major court cases that deal with that amendment. …show more content…
Freedom of religion is in place due to the colonist’s efforts to not repeat their experiences with the Church of England. With this amendment religion is not allowed to be mixed with government. Public schools, which are funded by the government, are not allowed to let their teachers teach about their own religious beliefs. On the same spectrum, a private school, such as a Catholic, Christian, Protestant, Baptist, or Lutheran school, do not receive funding from the government. Since those schools are not funded by the government, they are allowed to teach whatever religious beliefs they