The billing system is one of the major parts of an enrolment system. A billing system is a system designed to handle time and billing tracking as well as invoicing customers for services and products. It is very essential to the enrolment process because it involves the registration of students, computation of school fees and safe keeping of records.
Implementing an automated billing system will increase the productivity of employees while decreasing the labor cost because the school won’t need many employees to handle the enrolment process. It can also boost the popularity of the school because of having such technology. Most importantly, an automated billing system reduces the risks of miscomputation, recording errors and loss of records.
In line with this, the proponents are proposing the development of a prototype automated billing system for Eastern Visayas Central Colleges to assess whether automated grading was feasible, economically viable and as accurate as the manually computing system which they are currently using.
The researchers attempt to design and develop billing system which wants to enhance process and flow of the old system. It will also lessen the works of the cashiers with the used of computerized billing system per semester, and summary sheet of student statement of account.
1.A Statement of the Study
1.A.1 General The manual encoding, submission and distribution of student`s statement of account of Eastern Visayas Central College.
1.A.2 Specific
The process of inquiry of student statement of account is inconvenient, tiresome and at some instances are time consuming.