After satisfactory level of general anesthesia was reached and patient was in the supine position, he was further placed in a beach chair position. A longitudinal incision was created over the region of the left AC joint. At this time, sharp dissection was conducted down to the fascial plane. The fascial plane was then further incised, reflecting both the deltoid and the trapezial fascia and the distal aspect of the clavicle undermining the clavicle; at this time we simply proceeded excising the distal 1 cm of the clavicle with use of a reciprocal saw. With completion of this element of the procedure, the margins of the bone were otherwise unremarkable in gross appearance. It was also significant to note at this time the acromial end of the articulation was unremarkable. The wound was irrigated, followed by controlling of punctate bleeding with use of electrocautery, followed by the closure of the deltotrapezial fascia. At this time I further imbricated sutures for stable repair, followed by repair of subcutaneous and dermal planes. A simple dressing was applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transported to the recovery room in a stable manner.…
There are ten steps included in the billing process and are used to help process the patient’s information from preregistration to the follow up payments. Each patient has the responsibility to pay for their services once they have received care from a facility by themselves or an insurance company. Many different health insurance companies that may help an individual cover their medical expenses or even pay the entire bill. This billing process is usually done in the back office whereas the registration and collection of information is done in the front office.…
The submittal of claims to insurance companies requesting payment for medical services provided by a doctor to a patient is called the medical billing process. Ten steps make up the process: preregistration of patients; establishment of financial responsibility for the visit; checking patients in; checking patients out; the review of coding compliance; verifying billing compliance; the preparation and transmittal of claims; the monitoring of payer adjudication; generation of patient statements; and the follow-up of payments by the patients and the handling of collections. HCPCS, HIPAA, CPT, and ICD have an influence on every step of the process. The 9th Revision-Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) is a global categorization of disease and contains sets of codes. These codes give information for evenly measures and diagnoses. The ICD-9 code has three digits, and these three may be followed by a decimal point and then two more digits. The Healthcare Common procedure coding system (HCPCS) does not give diagnosis information, only information about the procedure area. The purpose of HCPCS codes is to process hospital treatments for outpatient services. Physicians also use these codes. ICD-9 procedure codes are required by HIPAA for their porting procedures of hospital inpatients. The numerical codes for CPT and the diagnoses areas signed by the coding team. They make these assignments based on information given by the provider. A charge is then created, following the billing rules that pertain to certain locations and carriers. People who work on the process of medical billing have to maintain patient information confidentiality based on HIPPA rules. Employees must also be truthful and conduct themselves with integrity. Every procedure and diagnosis has to be correctly documented and then coded accurately to avoid any delays in…
There are ten basic steps in the medical billing process. Each step has certain things which must be done to correctly complete the entire process. In order to complete your duties as a medical biller efficiently, you must follow the medical billing process. Following this process leads to maximum and appropriate payments in a timely fashion. These steps range from the pre registration of the patient to the collection of the payment. In this paper each step will be describe with a brief outline of what each step entails.…
When a claim has been processed and paid, the amount paid will have to be applied to the amount charged for individual patient’s treatment in the Medical Billing Software. This makes it possible for the billing office to track the payments received from different angles. The billing office would want to track the payments received based on differed criteria.…
The medical billing process and all of the functions that pertain to it are the responsibilities of the medical insurance specialist. It addresses all tasks that will be performed by the administrative staff members during the medical billing process. These functions are typically handled by front office staff members such as the receptionist (registration) and scheduling.…
It is a very long process for billing to prepare the bill that is required to submit for payment. There also have been a lot of mistakes when billing because some did not know the guidelines of medical coding when sending the bill to the insurance company. This assignment will show how to making medical billing and compliance strategies so mistakes will not be made. Even through that not any means is any one perfect…
The need to correctly document medical records, apply appropriate billing codes, and accurately charge payers for medical procedures and services is essential for today’s medical facilities. Physicians rely on medical insurance specialists to process claims so that they can be reimbursed for their services. This essay will emphasize the importance of correctly submitting claims for reimbursement, as well as, how compliance plans are put in place to benefit everyone involved in the billing and coding process.…
Computer technology continues to make rapid advances in healthcare facilities. Many healthcare facilities have used computer programs for administrative functions such as payroll and billing. Electronic health record (EHR) systems have the potential to transform the health care system from a mostly paper-based industry to one that utilizes clinical and other pieces of information to assist providers in delivering higher quality of care to their patients.…
The medical billing process consists of ten steps that can be categorized into three main groups that break down how the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), International Classification of Diseases (ICD), CPT, and HCPCS influence each of the ten steps. The main groups are: pre-registrations, claims preparation process, and finalizing the claims processes.…
Hospitals, doctor’s offices, and care givers must meet the criteria of Electronic Health Record Program to become eligible for the Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS). The first year, hospitals and Eligible Professionals (EP) do not have to demonstrate their important use, but are obligated to approve or upgrade to an (EHR) for them to receive payments for the services rendered. All work must be documented correctly in stage 1, (data capture & sharing)- stage 2 (Advance clinical processes), or stage 3 (Improved Outcomes)…
Medical billing and coding professionals hold pivotal roles in hospitals, doctor’s offices, physician’s practices and specialty medical practices. They are responsible for the accurate flow of medical information and patient data between physicians, patients and third-party payers. Without them, healthcare businesses could not function efficiently.…
In the medical billing process, there are significant and mandatory steps that healthcare workers need to do. Preregister patients are the first step, and this contains two major duties. The first duty is to schedule appointments because the patients need to have a time and date to see the physician, plus to update appointments. Gather preregistration demographic and a patient’s insurance information. A new patient that calls for an appointment needs to provide information (Valerius, J., Bayes, N., Newby, C., & Blochowiak, A., 2014).…
The electronic health record also known as the EHR, has transformed the world of health care and documentation as we know it. An electronic health record is a “ computer-based data warehouse or repository of information regarding the health status of a client, which is replacing the former paper-based medical record; it is the systematic documentation of a client’s health status and health care in a secured digital format , meaning that is can be processed, stored, transmitted, and accessed by authorized interdisciplinary professionals for the purpose of supporting efficient, high-quality health care across the client’s…
The first focus of EHR is improving the quality of care to patients. But that is ultimately done by implementing EHR which organizes and creates a more efficient office and its workflow. Electronic health records is a time management tool that allows a provider more time caring for patients and complete an accurate chart. Anytime that is spent on administrative duties that takes time away from a patient reduces quality of care. A good example is ordering prescriptions a provider not only has more control over medications order by him/her or another physician, reduces errors and saves time. Electronic health records help providers communicate with patients and other providers. Providers can answer questions over a patient portal and patients can quickly look up their information or…