I am reaching out to you with this letter to share some things and great reasons as to why I believe that Rev. Billy Graham deserves a national holiday to honor him and all the great things that he brings to this world.
A true man of God such as Billy Graham an as humble as he is, he never set out to gain all the fame and respect that he has gotten in all the years. All he ever wanted was to be able to preach about God no matter the color or race of a person. Not all agreed with his beliefs and his preaching but one man did, Jimmy Carter had found Billy Graham a venue that he could preach in.
Billy Graham was just an ordinary man from Charlotte, North Carolina who started out on a radio show back in 1949 and from that one show made him a superstar and that is how he began to broadcast his sermons. Graham has been credited for preaching over millions of people, more than anyone else in …show more content…
Graham started the team so that they can help to respond to disaster zones around the world.
I know that I am not the only person that feels this strongly about making a national day for Billy Graham. An if Martin Luther King were alive today he would agree also as Graham has had such an influence on so many lives by bringing God into so many people lives. We need not forget that if it wasn’t for Graham finding God an leading him and other goo hearted white people who stood with and supported King and all the Civil Rights that were brought to country. It may not have ever happened or took longer to get where it is today.
I feel that is why we need a national holiday in honor of a great man who has brought God into so many people’s lives and has had such a great affect to so many an still does to this day and for a long time. So please take into consideration to make this happen as it would be nice before he passes