Question one is about how well employees enjoy working for BIMS. As you can see the largest concentration is a rating of 2. However 52% of the employee responses give a rating of 3 or better. Only 75 employees turned in a response to this question and it had a higher dissatisfaction rate of 52% than the others. This question addressed whether or not employees enjoy working their assigned shifts. Questions three is similar to question two as it pertains to having requests for specific shifts filled. Even though there is only a two percent difference in those rated three or above and two or below, we can see that a higher number of employees used the rating of one – very negative. Question five has the overall best satisfaction rate with 54% of employees that gave a response to the question, rating it a three 3 or above. Over half the employees that provided a response feel like they are adequately trained for their jobs.
My recommendation for BIMS is to talk with the scheduling manager to encourage more employee participation in scheduling shifts. I would also encourage managers to seek out employee input around training issues. Ask if they feel they are receiving enough training or need to be trained in different areas. You are paid fairly for the work that you do. The majority of participants selected 2 on the scale from 1-5. The selection of 2 represents negative. Close behind was the selection of 1, which represented very negative. There were zero selections of 5, which represents very positive. This reveals that the majority of employees do not agree with that they are paid fairly. BIMS should look at this data very carefully, as it can reveal the mind frame of