Current Diagnosis and Treatment:
Binge Eating Disorder
February 21, 2014
Abnormal Psychology
Dr. Jean Nyland
Spring, 2014
This paper is a review of the current literature in DSM-5 for how it relates to the diagnosis and treatment of “Binge Eating Disorder” (BED). In the United States BED affects approximately 3.5% of the female, and 2% of the male population. This equivocates to a substantial amount of children, adolescent, and adult sufferers, so it is important to understand the roots of this mental illness and the treatment options currently available. This review consists of information on what separates BED from other eating disorders, as well …show more content…
as the specific symptoms related to BED. Other factors included are the health concerns that BED can create because many people who binge are often overweight, which lead to various medical concerns. The causation of binge eating, the diagnosis, and the various treatments to this mental disorder are covered in detail, so that a clear understanding on BED can be established with the viable treatment options that are currently available.
Diagnosis and Treatment:
Binge Eating Disorder In May 2013, the American Psychiatric Association to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), officially added Binge Eating Disorder (BED), to their diagnosis categories. Since the release of DSM-IV in 1994 BED was listed only in Appendix B and was required to be diagnosed with a non-specific eating disorder not otherwise specified. Since that time over 1000 published research papers that cited the validity and consistency of BED supported the claim that BED should be specifically diagnosed. BEDS defining characteristic is when recurrent episodes of binge eating continue to occur at least once a week for a period no less than 3 months. In the United States BED is the most common of all eating disorders affecting 3.5% of the female and 2% of the entire male populations. BED affects 1.6% of adolescents and can lead to additional health issues if not treated early with all patients. In order to treat BED, patients must be appropriately diagnosed with the mental disorder, because there are several eating disorders other than BED. Once BED is diagnosed patients must undergo effective treatment options, which can include psychotherapy with an emphasis on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and/or other therapies, as well as the use of antidepressant medications. However it is important to note that remission rates tend to be approximately 50% of patients and therefore continued research into effective treatment options is still needed.
There are several types of eating disorders that can wreck havoc, both mentally and physically, on people suffering from those disorders. Binging is defined in the textbook Abnormal Psychology 5th Edition as, “An out of control consumption of an amount of food that is far greater than what most people would eat in the same amount of time and under the same circumstances” (Butcher, Hooley, Mineka, 2013, p. G-3). BED can be diagnosed when a person tends to eat an unusually larger amount of food at a fairly rapid pace, other than how they would typically consume food. Food types and amounts can vary from person to person. Oftentimes, at the beginning of a binge it can seem very pleasurable to the individual. (Fairburn, 2013). During the actual binge author of Why You Binge and How You can Stop states, “Some people pace up and down or wander around…they may exhibit an air of desperation. They feel the craving for food as a powerful force that drives them to eat” (Fairburn, 2013, p.7). But soon after the binge is completed people who suffer from BED often feel ashamed, humiliated, and often depressed with themselves because of their lack of control during that binging episode. Oftentimes people who engage in binges attempt to conceal their illness and hide their symptoms. The symptoms of BED are what help to properly diagnose the mental disorder so that treatment plans can be established.
What separates BEDS from other eating disorders is that BED is not going to come by the way of bulimia or anorexia, it occurs separate from those mental illnesses. BEDS have very specific symptoms, which can be broken down into two categories. The first category is the behavioral symptoms. These symptoms include the lack of control to stop eating, or the inability to control what you eat. The person will begin eating for an isolated amount of time fairly rapidly. They may go to a fast food drive through and order an irregular amount of food for one person, and quickly consume it all within a 1 to 2 hour time frame. They may stockpile large amounts of junk food hidden away for binges. They may appear to eat normally around others, and gorge when alone. Lastly, some will eat a lot of food throughout the day regardless of mealtimes. Most foods chosen during the binges have little nutritional value. Behavioral symptoms can be noticeable to others, but emotional symptoms can be much more difficult to observe and properly diagnose.
Emotional symptoms for BEDS can create a tremendous amount of stress on the person. Symptoms can include things like the feelings and tensions of stress. Food can serve as a release for those emotions. Being embarrassed or feeling guilty, which can then lead to depression, is often associated with BED. Oftentimes a person can feel very desperate and have a sense that they have no control over their eating habits. Lastly, when a person with BED binges the experience is usually only temporarily, or not at all satisfying regardless of how much they eat. Emotional symptoms tend to weigh the most on people with BED and therapy accompanied with other treatment options can help people overcome this illness.
In addition to emotional and social difficulties, BED can have serious mental and physical consequences if left untreated. By far the most common side effect of BED is weight gain. Furthermore, evidence suggests that overweight people are much more likely to binge eat as a response to a negative temperament. (Chambers, 2009). Weight gain can cause several other health concerns as a result. Over time continued weight gain can lead to obesity which can then result in issues like: Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, specific forms of cancer, sleep apnea, and Osteoarthritis, just to name a few. The emotional and social problems associated with BED can lead people into isolation, depression, and in extreme cases, suicide. In order to properly treat BED, it is important to first recognize and diagnose the causes associated with this disorder. These causes can be broken down into 3 categories, but in order for a person to be diagnosed with BED a combination of at least 2 out of the 3 categories would need to be in place.
The first being the biological causes for BED. The portion in the brain known as the hypothalamus is a section of the brain that controls appetite. Arguably, research has indicated that it is possible for some people that their hypothalamus does not send the appropriate signals to the brain indicating that the person is full. As a result, the person tends to continually overeat. Furthermore, studies about genetic mutations that correlate to food addiction appear to have support in the research community, and more studies on genetic mutations is needed for conclusive evidence. Lastly, additional research has supported that lower than normal serotonin levels in the brain may play a role in compulsive eating. Anyone of these possible biological triggers can be one of many causal factors that can aid in the illness of BED.
The second condition for BED is related to social and cultural causes. People are exposed to mass media of thin people all the time. The social pressure to be thin has the potential to fuel binge eaters as a means to deal with the emotional stress which establishes food as a means of comfort. Unfortunately, parents often introduce comfort foods to children as a way to reward or console them. Many social and cultural behaviors centered on food have spawned from years of tradition, so that can cause more complications with BED, and is an important factor when treating the illness.
The final cause of BED is psychological. Many studies have shown strong links between depression and BED. People with BED usually report being currently depressed or have had episodes of depression previously. Impulse control, low self-esteem, loneliness, and even people displeased with their body image may also contribute to BED. But most commonly people engage in binge eating because it is a way for them to manage stressful emotional predicaments like fear, anxiety, loneliness, and depression.
There are several strategies for treating BED and ultimately overcoming it. Each case is different, and people with BED must be able to determine their own needs, and often that can be done with the assistance of professionals.
How severely a binge eating affects a person’s life varies greatly from person to person…Furthermore, if you have a long history of binge eating, it is possible that you have adjusted your life to accommodate the problem (Fairburn, 2013, p. 120).
Prior to therapy, or in conjunction with, individuals suffering from BED can find effective ways to manage their stress when they feel overcome with emotional conflicts. They can eat regular meals, while also allowing for a snack option. Exercise can help by raising serotonin levels and improving overall health. As a result that can help to alleviate depression. People with BED can make sure they are getting enough sleep, while also keeping busy when awake to avoid binging behavior. All of these methods are beneficial in helping people with BED, but the most effective treatment will be to retain professional support and treatment for this mental illness.
Several therapy options exist for BED and can help people to overcome the illness. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps those suffering to focus on the unhealthy behaviors and thought process that escalates a binge. CBT helps to recognize binge triggers and gives them tools on how to avoid and/or work through them effectively. CBT is quite common and one of the most well known therapeutic treatment options for people with BED. But other therapies have proved to be effective as well.
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IP) was originally developed for people suffering with depression.
Many times binging is closely related to, if not a direct cause of people’s depression, so it makes sense that IP is now used in some cases of BED. IP focuses on inner issues that cause a person to binge. This form of therapy works to improve relationships with friends and relatives so that the patient has a strong support system, and as a result they can resist binging temptations. Active involvement, nonjudgmental relationships, and pro-active behavior are crucial from all parties involved in order for the BED sufferer to fully benefit with …show more content…
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a form of CBT that works in conjunction with meditation. With similar aspects to CBT, DBT addresses unhealthy attitudes about weight and eating. Additionally, DBT helps people to tolerate stress and handle their emotions more positively. A study referenced in Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice, conducted a study that supported multiple sessions of DBT with successful results for decreasing continued binging because the therapy focuses on “eating mindfulness,” and “emotion regulation.” (Hawley, Klein, Skinner, 2013) The study supported the use of DBT because of the emotional support and unprejudiced approach that the therapy uses with individuals. DBT focuses on “Mindfulness skills.” Simply put, mindfulness skills are a technique that enforces the importance of making people pay attention to thoughts and actions. (Chen, Safer, Telch, 2009). Making BED sufferers acknowledge and mentally work through their battles with binging can help them sustain a long life without binging, or the temptations. Group therapy can be beneficial because it is lead by a trained and certified psychotherapist, which provides patients with the advantage of being exposed to others with the same illness. Lastly, support groups are helpful as well, and are another form of psychotherapy with usually one major difference. Typically a trained volunteer runs the meeting, rather than a certified psychotherapist. But in this format people are able to openly communicate their problems and gather support amongst their peers. All of these therapeutic choices can be effective, but many times medications play a supportive, if not necessary and crucial role, in overcoming BED.
Studies have demonstrated that the use of antidepressants can sometimes help decrease binge-eating symptoms. Binge eating is often associated with depression. When depression can be controlled with therapy and antidepressant medication patients will be less likely to engage in binges. A study from the Journal of Consulting Psychology, demonstrated that the younger the patient with BED the more likely antidepressant medications were effective. (Crosby, Grilo, Masheb, 2012). However, studies have also shown that relapse is more likely to occur with people who were on antidepressant medications and discontinued them. A study from The Journal of Consulting Psychology reported mixed results with the use of the antidepressant Fluoxetine, and their study concluded that CBT treatment by itself was just as effective as CBT with a placebo. (Crosby, Grilo, Masheb, Wilson, 2012). That study would suggest that even with effective antidepressant medications, CBT and other forms of psychotherapy are crucial in the success of helping patients with BED. But overall the use of antidepressant medications seem to be part of effectively treating people with BED, and more studies are needed so that treatment options have the greatest chance of success.
BED is an eating disorder that has harmful physical and psychological consequences from those suffering from the illness.
BED has a unique blend of symptoms that distinguishes itself from other eating disorders. Behavioral and emotional symptoms such as stress, isolation, and depression are often related to BED. Typically a combination of biological, social and cultural, as well as psychological causes can account for BED sufferers. Severe case of BED can often predict treatment resistance, even when antidepressants are used. Additionally, those with BED who do not receive adequate treatment are more likely to suffer from health conditions as a result of their mental illness. “Future investigations of the biological features and neurocircuitry of the core eating disorders psychopathology and behaviors may provide information for more successful treatment interventions” (Halmi, Whites, 2013). Health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity can all stem from BED. It is also important to understand the macronutrient deficiency caused by binging, as documented in Binge Eating: Psychological Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment. The author states, “Binge eating children and adolescents consumed a larger amount of carbohydrates…showing that this adverse eating behavior can considerably influence macronutrient consumption when associated with obesity” (Chambers, 2009). Once BED is properly diagnosed there are treatment options, but relapse can be
common. Treatment includes therapy such as CBT and DBT; both are used to help people gain control of their illness. Often therapy can be done in conjunction with antidepressant medications to further the likelihood of avoiding relapses with BED sufferers. BED is a serious illness that can be a determinate to peoples lives, and has the potential for fatal consequences. BED should continued to be studied, and effective treatment options made available so that relapses will be lowered from this life altering disease.
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