T Th 12:00 – 1:15 CLCC 246
Class Number 22657
Instructor: Dr. Lara Ferry Office: FAB N 153 e-mail: Lara.Ferry@asu.edu Phone: 543-2817 my lab website: http://morphology.asu.edu
Office Hours: 11:00 – 12:00 Tu/Th, and by appointment. Course description: Principles and mechanisms of physiological regulation in animals, with a focus on humans.
Required Text: Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach, 6th edition by Silverthorn with Mastering A&P and Physio Ex.
If you have an older edition (i.e. the 5th edition), the content is similar, however you need access to Physio Ex within Mastering A&P (which also came with the 5th ed) to complete the virtual exercises assigned. If you rent this book, you will still need to obtain access to a Physio Ex CD or on-line access code. It is strongly recommended that you get the version with Mastering A&P as this affords you the best study tool, and this will be your study guide for exams.
1. Examinations. There will be five (4) 50-point examinations with 50 questions. Questions will be taken from material presented in lecture and reinforced in the textbook, plus the virtual labs (see below). The fourth exam is the final exam. It will be 25% cumulative but otherwise just like a regular exam, though it will be taken during the scheduled final exam time. There will be NO make-up exams. Missed exams will be calculated as the average of your other exams and only in cases with documented (e.g., with a doctor’s note) circumstances beyond your control. If you miss more than one exam, you cannot pass the class. You also must take the fourth exam to pass the class. The exams total 200 points.
2. Virtual labs. The lab portion of this course (LSC 359), while designed to accompany the lecture, is not required in terms of co-enrollment. Therefore, I will require on-line labs during some of those weeks when there is not an