The topic of my research project is on the process of bioconversion which is an alternative energy source. An Alternative energy source is a form of energy derived from a natural source, such as the sun, wind, tides, or in this case waste. Bioconversion is the process that produces energy from the waste products of our society. It is a renewable energy source because as long as there is a society there will be waste. A renewable energy source is any source of energy that can be made out of an item that can be replenished. The waste used in the Bioconversion process is called the biomass. Materials used as biomass can consist of; trees, grains, algae, manure, garbage, sewage, paper, and many others. There are several methods of bioconversion; one way to create energy is by creating a methane digester. The way a methane converter works is it converts the shredded biomass into a gas known as methane. Soon the methane gas is used for heating, power generation or it could be purified and stored for distribution. In recent years many municipalities, which is a type of government on a small or local branch, throughout the United States have begun to make more plants shred and burn more biomass because it solves two major problems the country is facing. One issue is finding a clean alternative to the rapidly depleting fossil fuels and rising energy needs. The second major issue this is helping the United States solve is what to do with the large amounts of trash people make that have no room in filled up landfills or overcrowded city dumps. The average American uses 5 tons of trash every year at this rate the entire state of California could be covered completely covered in trash in just over three years. Another method of bioconversion is a process called, anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic digestion is a type of bioconversion that although is uses a methane digester, it varies because the