Bio-cylinder Lab Report
The question that we, as a class, were trying to answer was: How long can the organisms survive within a sample-closed ecosystem? To answer this three separate classes had the opportunity to create their own bio-cylinders, place a specified number of organisms, seal it, and observe the cylinder for however long the organisms were able to survive. Each class made small modifications to the number of fish and snails that placed within the cylinder. To prevent any unforeseen circumstances due to the chlorine found in tap water, after the cylinders were filled, the cylinders were left alone for a few days. Under the advice of our instructor, each class also had a change in the amount of gravel and water that was placed within the cylinder. To control the amount of energy that would be entering the system, we placed all three cylinders under a light with a timer. The timer would allow the light to turn off for a set amount of time, thus mimicking a day/night cycle within the system. Each class was then given the responsibility of recording their observations during the first few minutes of class at the beginning of the week.
Discussion and Anaylsis:
From what can be seen through the data it is certainly possible for organisms, in this case both the fish and snails, were able to survive in the sealed bio-cylinders. However due to the incomplete data for the first two cylinders, most of my analysis and conclusion would have to be based on the data from bio-cylinder 3 and what has been discussed during the lectures.
Some of the possible reasons for the “extinction” in cylinder 1 were the accumulation of ammonia from the fish urine and a lack of oxygen due to the algae growth blocking the photosynthesis of the original elodea. This of course would reduce the amount of oxygen within the cylinder and cause the fish to die from the lack thereof. However, upon analysis of the oxygen levels within the first