Chapter 1 Review
1. Describe the characteristics of science.
A. The characteristics of science are observations, search for regularities, process the information, and self-corrections. Science is based upon observations that incorporate our senses, or instruments that extend our senses, to interpret natural experiences. Science is a searh for regularities. These regularities may include observed phenomena or patterns in nature. After observations have been recorded about regularities, scientist must process the information. Science is a self-correcting process in which previously existing concepts can be expanded, modified, or replaced if necessary.
2. Why is science considered a unified endeavor?
A. Science is considered a unified endeavor because of the methods, reasoning, and zest for science is universal. There is physical science, earth science, and life science.
3. Compare and contrast science and technology.
A. Science is a tool that allows us to comprehend phenomena. Technology is the application of science. Science feeds technology, as evidenced by the growth of genetic engineering after understanding the molecular configuration of DNA.
4. What did Sir Isaac Newton mean when he stated, “If I have seen a little further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”?
A. He was only able to accomplish what he did because of the people who worked and studied before he did.
5. Defend the statement “Process skills are considered life skills.”
A. One uses process skills to complete everyday task, such as choosing and using the right tools to complete a task or organizing a task.
6. Why must all three aspects of science be addressed in a successful science education program?
A. Science is a synthesis of content, process, and attitude. Without content, the student cannot understand the grandeur of the universe. Without process, the student cannot experience the excitement of discovery. Without a healthy scientific attitude, the student