ASSIGNMENT #2: Case Review
Bio-psycho-social Approach in Treatment of Post-traumatic Chronic Widespread Pain
George Boghozian
April 22, 2012
This paper is about reviewing the case of Mrs. M. A.; a 53-year-old lady presented with chronic widespread pain (CWP) in spine, chest, both knees, and both shoulders in addition to generalized muscle stiffness, fatigue, headaches and dizziness. These symptoms are due to injuries sustained from a motor vehicle accident (MVA) on August 10, 2010. In the following report the result of assessment performed on April 24, 2011 will be discussed thoroughly.
Case History
Mrs. Adamian was driver of her Honda Civic in a highway on August 10, 2010 when her car was rear ended by a minivan. Her car was stopped on a ramp, where she just exited the highway. She was transported to hospital by an ambulance, and was admitted to the emergency department for six hours. She was discharged from hospital the same day and referred to her family physician for follow up. Mrs. M. A. visited her family physician 2 days after the accident complaining about severe pain and stiffness in neck, upper back, mid-back and lower back. She received prescription for pain medication and muscle relaxant, and was also referred to a rehab clinic, where she had been receiving physical therapy 3 times per week consisting of electrotherapy, massage, chiropractic care, and active rehab exercises. She is no longer receiving regular therapy as the auto insurance company stopped her coverage after 1.5 year. Her coverage for extended health is very limited and is used up after 10 treatment sessions. She still takes pain medication and performs stretching exercises at home. She reports worsening of her pain and overall condition since then.
Family, Social, and Employment History
Mrs. M. A. is a 53-year-old Lebanese woman with Armenian heritage. She was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon,
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