Unit 1 Individual Project
SCIE206-1203A-32: Biology
The effects of rock salt, which is used for melting snow in the winter time, works in a variety of ways. The main reason is to aid in melting of the snow making it easier for individuals to drive their vehicles and also the sidewalk for pedestrians. Overall, the rock salt used for melting snow, works but it have some pros and cons about it, but using it wisely should be the key to its success.
Might grass growth be inhibited by salt?
The usage of salt, (rock salt) is best used in the winter to help melt away snow from driveways, walkways, streets etc. Getting the rock salt on the lawn/yard is very dangerous, especially when the effects really show in the spring time. The effects of rock salt make the yard/lawn get brown and sometimes it dies, if not pre-treated with fertilizer or some treatment for plants.
I think that the usage of salt in the winter time affects the growth of grass in the spring time. Prediction: I predict that the grass would grow back slowly or none at all, with using salt on them in the winter time because the salt is a chemical of its own. Controlled Experimental Method: This experiment would be done in the ending of winter close to when spring is coming within a 5 week period (approximately March to April). These are the materials we would need to further the experiment: 1. Two areas to work with, a) front yard with lawn and sidewalk attached. b) Back yard with lawn, no sidewalk. 2. Journal to keep log of the observation, over the 5 week period. 3. Rock salt. 4. And of course, Snow Upon having all the necessary material, we can get the experiment started. In the front and backyard will be covered with snow, Procedures: 1. Day 1 we would spread the rock salt only in the front yard, using 2-3 cups at
References: (2010, 10 13). Retrieved 07 05, 2012, from GreenerGreenGrass Organic Lawn Care Blog: www.greenergreengrass.com