|Order |All living things exhibit complex but ordered organization; structure of a pinecone |
|Regulation |The environment outside of the organism may change drastically, but the organism can adjust its internal |
| |environment keeping it within appropriate limits; temperature (shivering and sweating) |
|Growth & Development |Information carried by genes controls the growth and development in all organisms |
|Energy Utilization |Organisms take in energy and use it to perform all of life’s activities; Puffin eating fish to have energy|
| |to swim |
|Response to the |All organisms respond to environmental stimuli; Venus fly trap shutting when a fly touches its hairs |
|environment | |
|Reproduction |Organisms reproduce their own kind; hippos only reproduce hippos |
|Evolution |Reproduction underlies the capacity to evolve over time; a bug changes over time to camouflage to its |
| |environment |
Levels of organization in the living world:
1. Biosphere
2. Ecosystem 6. Organs-Organ Systems
3. Communities 7. Tissues
4. Population 8. Cells
5. Organism 9. Organelles 10. Molecules and Atoms
Homeostasis- The steady state of body functioning; the tendency to maintain relatively constant conditions in the internal environment even when the external environment changes. Homeostasis is dependent on negative feedback to give it signals to