LIS 1001
December 10, 2004
The Mark Of the Beast
Biochip Technology; Uses and Abuses
Working Hypothesis:
What is the correlation between the prophecy of "the mark of the beast", and current trends in biochip technology?
Intro/Thesis statement:
Technology is chipping away at our personal freedoms. In the New Testament, Revelations 13 warns " He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the Beast or the number of his name...". Bible scholars fear that this passage reflects the modern world, and its use of numbers for authentic identification. Imagine the potential of a computer chip to help or hinder the identification process. We are arriving at a time in history when our government is forming an alliance with science and technology. As our generation increasingly embraces technological advances, we continue to witness the ongoing neglect of our personal liberties and private lives. The potential for our global rulers to catalog every single human being, depends on the use of Biochip Implants.
This is the generation of a technological revolution. Just like our ancestors witnessed the spread of the industrial revolution, we are experiencing parallel advances in society today. Technology increases the speed of access to information, which we have at our disposal. Through the advances of technology, the venues in which we have to communicate are almost unlimited. All ranges and ages of individuals can be found using cell phones, ATMs, computers and TV's. We have grown to rely on the microwave, the Internet, E-Z Pass, just as we did the automobile. Satellite images, Global Positioning Systems, wireless networks, and i-pods are just some of the features in our society, today. More sophisticated versions of advanced devices, are currently permeating into our