NBKR Medicinal Plant Research Centre, Vidyanagar – 524413, SPSR, Nellore (Dt) AP
A.P.Forest Department, Nellore Division. E-Mail : drskmbasha@gmail.com, Swathisayani@yahoo.co.in
The Seshachalam Hills are part of Eastern Ghats in Andhra Pradesh and are surrounded by Rayalaseema Uplands in the west and northwest and the Nandyala Valley in the north. They are formed during Precambrian time (i.e. earlier than about 540 million years age) and consists of sandstone, shale along with limestone. It is the richest floristic hot spot harbouring many endemic and rare plants. This area has been famous for its rich biodiversity, elegant environment, beautiful hill ranges and perennial streams and water falls since times immemorial. This area is not properly explored due to prohibition because the holy shrine of Lord Sri Venkateswara or Balaji situated here. Present study aims at the detailed survey of flora and fauna of Seshachalam Hill Range for the assessment of Biodiversity which is important to formulate appropriate conservation strategies.
Key Words - Seshachalam Hill Range – Biodiversity – Conservation
Biodiversity defines the occurrence of living organisms of three kingdoms either primitive or advanced namely Kingdom Monera, Kingdom Plantae and Kingdom Animalia on the Earth in natural way to form communities and ecosystems. Two attributes of biodiversity according to International Conservation Point of view are species richness (The number of species in an area) and Endemism (restricted to a particular region and occur nowhere else). They reflex the complexity and uniqueness of natural ecosystems.(T.R.Sahu, P.Sahu And Arti Gupta). Seshachalam Hills satisfies both the attributes hence it has been declared recently as a “Biosphere Reserve in the country by the Ministry of Environment and Forest” which spread over 4755 sq.km. The Seshachalam BR covers Sri Venketeswara
References: 1. C.Sudhakar Reddy and K.N.Reddy : Traditional medicinal plants in Seshachalam hills published in Journal of Medicinal Plants ResearchVol.3(5) pp.408-412, May,2009. 2. T.Sitakumari : Forest Fires in Seshachalam, hills 3. Kumar.S.V, Raghavaiah P.S.: New concepts in Biodiversity Conservation Publliclity and Extension in Indian Forester Journal Vol126, PartI, PP9-15, 2000. 4. K.Madhava Chetty, K.Narayana Rao, A.Sudhakar ; Angiosperm Diversity of Seshachalam Hill Range of Eastern Ghats in Chittoor Dsistrict of A.P. 5. Champion H.G. and S.K.Seth (1968): A revised survey of the Forest types of India, Gove. Of India, Delhi.