Biofuels, although thought to be renewable and greenhouse efficient are actually not green to produce. Currently all around the world including Australia thousands of hectares of forests and farmland are being destroyed to produce feedstock capable of being turned into biofuels. In parts of Brazil endangered rainforests and animals are being destroyed to plant corn or sugar cane. It is thought that with the increasing need and want of more fossil fuel products, biofuels and solar energy will pave the way to a greener future. Crops such as corn, wheat and sugar cane will simply be burnt and the alcohol produced will power vehicles and machines. Whereas the use of solar panels for household electricity and also in some cases to power vehicles is thought to be a more “green-friendly” method of energy.
The production of ethanol can be done by chemical reactions and fermentation using a lot more energy than conventional fossil fuel refining. Manufacturing biofuels is also increasing the need and consumption of fossil fuels (Such as gas and petroleum used to run power stations) so we can burn what otherwise would be food. According to one source “Approximately