Her favorite colors are yellow and light blue. The colors represent her personality. She’s outgoing, friendly, hard-worker, and for most of the time she’s happy & bubbly. She can be kind of pushy and bossy at times since she’s a straight- forward person and somewhat cocky because of her appearance. She has dreams and goals that she plans to meet and would do anything to get them accomplished, but she wants to share her accomplishments and success with someone.
She believes she’s not getting any younger so she wants to get married soon and start her life off. She has graduate from college with a bachelor degree in business administration and is working on her masters. She’s high on family and wants a family of her own. She wants a family of three kids and a family dog. She wants to live in a five bedroom/five bathroom house. This way each child could have their own bathroom and they would have a guest bath and bedroom. She has a boyfriend who is in his mid-20s named Derek. She likes the typical American sports, such as Football and Basketball but has a secret obsession with tennis. She can cook and bake like it’s nobody’s business. Has a sweet church voice for singing. Wanted to make a career out of