Pedro de Alcântara Francisco António João Carlos Xavier de Paula Miguel Rafael Joaquim José Gonzaga Pascoal Cipriano Serafim was born on October 12, 1798 in the Queluz Royal Palace outside of Lisbon.
He was descended from royal lineage on both sides: on his father's side, he was of the House of Bragança, the royal house of Portugal, and his mother was Carlota of Spain, daughter of King Carlos IV. At the time of his birth, Portugal was ruled by Pedro's grandmother, Queen Maria I, whose sanity was quickly deteriorating. Pedro's father, João VI, essentially ruled in his mother's name. Pedro …show more content…
He was a natural wartime leader, with a real connection to the soldiers and people who suffered in the conflict. He even fought in the battles. In 1834 he won the war: Miguel was exiled from Portugal forever and Pedro's daughter Maria II was placed upon the throne: she would rule until 1853. The warring, however, took its toll on Pedro's health: by September of 1834, he was suffering from advanced tuberculosis. He died on September 24 at the age of 35.
Pedro I of Brazil is one of those rulers who looks much better in hindsight. During his reign, he was unpopular with the people of Brazil, who resented his impulsiveness, lack of statecraft and mistreatment of the beloved Leopoldina. Although he was quite liberal and favored a strong constitution and the abolition of slavery, he was constantly criticized by Brazilian