What Is Life?
Read each statement. Write a 100-word summary explaining how that media piece supports that statement and include reference citations.
1. Find a media piece—article, video, presentation, song, or other—related to the scientific method, creating hypotheses, or designing experiments. Include the link or reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better understand how the scientific method is used to create hypotheses and experiments.
The purpose of the scientific is to answer a question, state the problem, and find a solution. The research question is the most important part of the scientific method. Usually the research question is addressed as the problem or the problem stated. Following the research questions are more steps which include hypothesis (an educational guess to the problem stated), experiment ( develop of procedure to test the hypothesis, and analysis (recording the results)
2. Find a media piece—article, video, presentation, song, or other—that recognizes the fundamental concepts of chemistry in biology. Include the link or reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better understand how fundamental concepts of chemistry affect biology. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmBmghaw7_E
Chemistry affects biology because it deals with atoms and elements. Element is a substance that can’t be change though a chemical reaction. An atom is the smallest unit in an element’s property. Some elements can be found in nature. There are a lot of elements in living organisms. [pic]
3. Find a media piece—article, video, presentation, song, or other—that describes the energy metabolism of cells. Include the link or reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better understand the energy metabolism of cells. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjza24Oyalc Metabolism is the set of