Due: Wed, Dec 12th/Thurs, Dec 13th
Using your book, notes, & other creditable sources, you will produce a labeled diagram and summary of each of the 4 biogeochemical cycles showing the transfers and transformations of these vital substances.
Make sure you address the specifics listed for each cycle. 1. Hydrological cycle On the cycle diagram label the following: a. condensation b. precipitation c. percolation/infiltration d. runoff e. evapotranspiration f. surface water g. aquifer/ground water h. Biota waste i. Autotrophs j. Heterotrophs k. light energy 2. Carbon/Oxygen cycle On the cycle diagram label the following: a. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) b. Carbonate (CO3)2- c. Oxygen (O2) d. Fossil Fuels e. Photosynthesis f. Respiration g. Combustion h. Decomposition i. Biota waste j. Methane (CH4) k. Autotrophs l. Heterotrophs
3. Nitrogen cycle On the cycle diagram label the following: a. Nitrogen (N2) b. Nitrogen fixing bacteria c. Nitrification d. Denitrification e. Ammonia (NH3) & Ammonium ion (NH4+) f. Nitrates (NO3 -) g. Nitrites (NO2 -) h. Fertilizers i. Assimilation j. Decomposition k. Biota waste l. Autotrophs m. Heterotrophs
4. Phosphorus cycle On the cycle diagram label the following: a. Phosphate (PO4-) b. Precipitation c. Erosion n. Fertilizers o. Deposition d. Assimilation e. Decomposition f. Biota waste p. Autotrophs q. Heterotrophs
Specifications to follow: 1. No Notebook Paper 2. Only 1 labeled Biogeochemical cycle diagram per sheet of paper, diagram should fill the sheet 3. All