The Latin word Persona is where we get personality from. As we grow and develop we mold our personality. Our personality is not fixed but changing as we grow. The culture affects our personality by our surroundings. When children are brought up in an angry environment often times they do not know how to deal with stressful situations. However, as they grow and start their own life outside the home often times their personality can change and their coping mechanisms can also develop new skills changing …show more content…
As Jung cited, one would do well to treat every dream as though it was a completely unknown project, look at it from all sides, take it in one’s hand, carry it around, and let one’s imagination play around with it (Dell Publishing; 1968). To me this is very interesting and I tend to agree with this statement. In Freud’s later work on dreams he explored the possibility of universal symbols in dreams. Some of these were sexual in nature, including poles, guns and swords representing the penis and horse riding and dancing representing sexual intercourse (simply psychology, 2013). Freud contributed sexual content to most of his