The way we view homosexuality has very much to do with how we were raised and taught depending on where we are from, our parents beliefs and what others around us tell us. Because of this we believe what we believe and will stand by them unless we ourselves come to a different conclusion as we grow older. I was raised a Catholic and was taught by the Bible teachings that homosexuality was wrong and will go to hell if that is what you practiced. In this paper we will look a little at the historical and scientific perspectives of homosexuality.…
Many conversations have formed and developed from the topic of sexuality by many different types of individuals. The truth being ones sexuality is not truly developed until that individual is completely mature. This means we never truly find complete satisfaction within our sexuality. There are many experiences in life that can alter ones sexual development and behavior such as upbringing, religion, or ones culture. In this paper I will discuss three scenarios, all of them experiencing their own unique phase of life dealing with different stages of sexuality. I am pretending to be a therapist, and I am listing to each or the patient’s perspectives and stories. Hopefully by doing so I will be able to come up with a conclusion to why they are faced with what they are facing. I also would like to help each individual form a healthy wise decision, as well as ways to overcome the obstacle that are currently presented in their lives by expressing their sexuality. Each problem every individual in every situation is dealing with a sexual problem that is why discussing their sexuality will help me in aiding their problems.…
According to Rathus, Nevid, and Fichner-Rathus, (2005) the term homosexuality denotes sexual interest in members of one’s own anatomic sex and applies to both_ _men and women. Homosexual males are often referred to as gay males and homosexual females or referred to as lesbians. Gay males and lesbians have existed throughout history. The historical and scientific perspectives on homosexuality have shaped the way gay individuals perceive themselves in various ways. These perspectives may also be beneficial to heterosexuals' understanding of others in our world of sexual diversity.…
Sexuality is an interesting topic that people may not understand to the full extent. We as people develop sexuality as we individually mature in life. There are also many aspects of life that may affect one’s sexual development and behavior such as religion, culture, gender and the way we were raised. In this report there are three separate scenarios that are placed at different stages of life and are having difficulty with their sexual interests. Each scenario will be answered with a therapist’s perspective; this will allow each individual to make a life choice as well as overcome obstacles that may be disturbing the individual…
In Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why: The Science of Sexual Orientation, author and neuroscientist Simon LeVay examines a plethora of research done by scientists across the globe who’re trying to unlock the puzzle of sexual orientation. Although most people are attracted to the opposite sex, a minority of people are attracted to the same (or both) sexes. Why? For over a century, psychologists, biologists, and sociologists have been examining this phenomenon. After pouring over all the data currently available, and conducting intensive research of his own, LeVay’s conclusion on the origin of sexual orientation closely matches my own; non-heterosexual orientations are caused mainly by biological factors.…
A scholarly article “Sexual Desire and Relationship Duration in Young Men and Women”, written by Sarah H. Murray and Robin R. Milhausen, suggests that experiences in sexual desire may differ between men and woman as a relationship progresses. The article also theorizes that different factors, based on gender, may also affect sexual desire.…
What is sexuality? Sexuality relates to a person’s capacity for sexual feelings, their sexual activity, and/or their sexual preference or orientation. This description sounds simple, but sexuality is complex and difficult to study. There are many different opinions on what causes sexuality and how to handle it. Some believe that homosexuality is a natural variation, while others believe that it is a psychological disease. One thing that most can agree on is that sexuality is a foggy subject.…
In this paper I will be talking about the historical and scientific perspective on homosexuality. This paper I will discuss three different perspectives on the subject them being the biological, historical and psychological perspective on homosexuality. Another thing that I will go over is the impact that all these perspective may have on how homosexuals look and feel about themselves. Looking at and analyzing the experience of a homosexual coming out as gay and being able to adjust to their new life. And last, how the biological, historical and psychological perspectives have impacted my sexual orientation and how its made me look…
Human sexuality has always been an intriguing research topic for both science and pop culture. Though tabooed for a long time, it still has the attraction of a forbidden fruit and, hence, causes a great deal of subjectivity in interpretation. This kind of subjectivity is backed up by emotionality and cultural patterns, which explains why the data provided by the media are mostly invalid or far-fetched. Thus, in case no method of objectivity is used, as is the case with scientific research, the final result is bound to be biased and lacking depth; this will be demonstrated below when comparing two samples of writing on sexuality.…
Teresita went to a fraternity party because she'd heard that this fraternity "really knew how to have fun" and she really needed fun after a disastrous academic week. She knew that some women had been taken advantage of at previous parties, but she put that out of her mind, as she downed one drink after another. Just when things were getting dull, the coolest guy on campus took her by the hand, led her upstairs and talked her into having sex. The next day, Teresita noticed that her vagina was bruised and bleeding. She barely recalled having sex, but knew who was responsible for her condition, and filed rape charges against him with the campus administrator.…
While biological processes do come into play, what is being suggested here is that in very much the same way as we are taught to understand our language and how to walk as a child, we are also taught how to understand what is acceptable, normal sexuality, and appropriate gender behavior. First, let us understand the role biology plays in sex and sexual desire. Very simply, without bodies to do the sex, there would be no sex and therefore, no sexual desire. That sums up biology’s role.…
Homosexuality has been a great social, psychological and biological issue discussed amongst experts. Although, same sex relationships have been discriminated and misunderstood, over the years they have more and more accepted socially, but some stigma still lingers. This essay will expose the origin and biological explanation of homosexuality to better understand it. This essay uses research studies, examinations and tests that will ultimately reveal that homosexuality is not a learned behavior, it is a biological factor. This essay also reveals how people who view homosexuality negatively do not change view after learning these crucial biological factors that drive people to be sexually attracted to the same sex. This essay's goal is to state…
Sexuality is define as the capacity of derive pleasure from all forms of sexual activity and behavior particularly from sexual intercourse. Sexuality is aspects of sexual behavior including gender identity, orientation, attitudes, and activity (APA dictionary, 2007). There is an enormous difference among societies and cultures in what people think about men and women. Today's society people still hold double standards for men and women when it comes to employment, relationship commitments, and even the upbringing of children. Even after women won the right to vote, to hold the same employment opportunities, and receive the same education opportunities.…
When looking for an answer that is based on findings from asking regular people questions the scholarly journal is the one you need to look at. If you just want to read a popular men’s magazine website then the other story is for you.…
Many people like to argue that our sexuality is a product of the environment we are raised in, or that it is simply a choice people make for one reason or another. Many people also believe it’s something that is decided for us, we’re either born with it or we’re not and that it’s something that predetermined by our genetic make-up. Something that is generally well accepted across the board is that human sexuality is something incredibly complicated, brain meltingly complicated really, and that we may or may not ever even find the reason behind it.…