Life: * Order: Pine Cone, Bacteria – where things are * Regulation: Regulate their internal environment * Maintain homeostasis * Ex. Breath, too much CO2, changes pH Sends message to brain * Growth and development: Definite pattern to growth and development * Directed by DNA (genetic material where the genes are found) * Energy processing: All organisms must have energy * Humans: Food (Heterotrophs = other-feeding (fungi and most bacteria)) * Plants/Algae: Photosynthesis to create food energy (Autotrophs = Self-feeding) * Response to the environment: Respond to stimuli (perceived or not) * Perceived: sound, touch, smell, sight, temp * Not: Gravity * Reproduction: Sexual vs. Asexual * Asexual: One parent, no joining of gametes (sex cells) * Bacteria, many plants are capable of asexual reproduction * Fast, every individual can reproduce * Don’t have to find a mate * No genetic diversity * Sexual: Two parents, joining of gametes (egg and sperm) * Genetic diversity * Have to find a mate, slow * Animals, most plants
* Evolution: Change in genes over time (DNA) * Natural Selection * Selects for adaptations (survival of the fittest)
Emergent properties: Properties that appear at a higher level that were not in the component parts Ex. Table salt, Na(explosive, bad) + Cl (bad) =NaCl (good) Ex. Cells, (molecules and organelles are not alive cell is)
Unicellular: one cell, bacteria
1. Prokaryotic a. No nucleus b. DNA c. Smaller and simpler d. All organisms are unicellular 2. Eukaryotic e. Nucleus (DNA in nucleus)
3 Domains 1. Archaea a. Prokaryotic 2. Bacteria b. Prokaryotic 3. Eukarya c. All have cells with a nucleus d. Plants