Choose the correct answers from the following:
1. _________ described the circulation of blood in 13th century.
(Bu Ali Sina, Ali Bin Isa, Ibn-Al Nafees)
2. Each fore limb of frog has _________ fingers.
(4, 5, 6)
3. Fruit is formed by the enlargement of _________.
(Stigma, Style, Ovary)
4. The earthworm belongs to the phylum _________.
(Nematoda, Annelida, Mollusca)
5. The saliva contains an enzyme known as _________, which acts on carbohydrates.
(Lipase, Trypsin, Ptyalin)
6. _________ tissues specialize in contraction.
(Connective, Muscle, Nervous)
7. Goitre is caused by the deficiency of _________.
(Insulin, Glucagon, Iodine)
8. There are _________ chromosomes in each cell of a human being.
(24, 32, 46)
9. “Al-Qanun Fi-Tibb” is written by _________.
(Al-Tabra, Al-Farabi, Bu Ali Sina)
10. _________ is the sensory layer of the eye.
(Sclerotic, Retina, Choroid)
11. Cockroach belongs to the phylum _________.
(Annelida, Arthropoda, Nematoda)
12. There are _________ toes in each foot of frog.
(4, 3, 5)
13. Monotropa and Neottia exist as _________.
(Parasites, Saprophytes, Insectivores)
14. The movements in Rifolium and in the flowers of Zafaran are _________.
(Nastic, Tropic, Tactic)
15. Diabetes is caused by the deficiency of _________.
(Thiamine, Insulin, Iodine)
16. _________ are important in the synthesis of proteins.
(Ribosomes, Centrosomes, Chloroplast, Lysosomes)
17. Stem increases in thickness due to _________.
(Cambium, Epidermis, Hypodermis, Endodermis)
18. The inner wall of the stomach secretes _________ and hydrochloric acid.
(Ptyalin, Pepsin, Trypsin, Lipase)
19. Smut attacks _________.
(Leaves, Flowers, Fruits, Seeds)
20. The liver of frog is composed of _________ lobe/lobes.
(1, 2, 3, 4)
21. The organs meant to receive the information are called _________.
(Sensory neutrons, Effectors, Receptors, Motor