Aim: The aim of this investigation is to determine how the concentration of hydrogen peroxide effects the intensity of the reaction.
Independent- The concentration of hydrogen peroxide.
Dependant - The intensity of the reaction.
Constants – The temperature, the amount of liver, pH level, test time,
Materials: Solutions of hydrogen peroxide varying in concentration 1,2,4,6%, fresh liver(containing catalase), sharp knife, forceps, cutting tile, 2x 10mL measuring cylinder, 1x 100ml measuring cylinder, 1x 50mL measuring cylinder, stop watch, detergent, teat pipette, distilled water.
1) The materials for the practical were collected.
2) We set up a clean cutting area which consisted of placing newspaper onto the bench followed by the cutting tile on top. The liver was then cut into 1 cm cubes.
3) A 1 cm cube of liver was placed inside a 250mL measuring burette, we then added 9mL of a select concentrate of hydrogen peroxide and using the teat pipette we then added 1 mL of detergent and a drop of water. The timer was started.
4) The timer was stopped after two minutes had passed and then the results of how many mL of foam were produced were taken down. 10 mL was subtracted from the end result due to the initial mL of the starting materials added.
5) Steps 1 – 4 were repeated for the follow concentrations 1%, 2%, 4%, 6%.
6) The entire practical was repeated three times to try and insure that there were no outlines or errors.
Concentration of hydrogen peroxide Test 1 Test 2
1% 31ml 35ml
2% 70ml 55ml
4% 150ml 140ml
6% 170ml 180ml
The aim of this investigation was to investigate how the concentration of hydrogen peroxide applied to liver cells effects the total amount of by-products produced. By preforming this practical we were able to prove the hypothesis correct as the table