Unit 2 Project
Job Exploration
Go to an online career/employment site, such as or Search for jobs in the psychology field. You may also review and use the job descriptions/classifieds provided in the Unit 2 Readings, if you like. After you have explored the job listings for a while, choose two of the jobs that interest you.
Then, for each job, complete the following using the template provided: 1. List the job title and job description. 2. List the skills needed for the job, taken both from the job description and your own analysis of the job. Be sure to list at least five skills, three of which are specific skills in the psychology field. 3. Explain why each of the skills listed in #2 would be needed to succeed in the position you have selected.
Save your project and submit it to the Unit 2: Project Dropbox. The dropbox is located at the top of this class on the blue toolbar. For additional help on submitting to the dropbox, see the Dropbox Guide under the Academic Tools tab.
Unit 2 Discussion After looking over several different types of jobs that someone with a degree in substance abuse could hold I settled on Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers. The main tool used for this job is a computer and a variety of different data bases are used to retrieve information that is relevant to the client. I would also be required to have a working knowledge of a word processing software, internet browser software, client records software, spreadsheet software, and adobe software. Some of the tasks that area associated with this job are: * Counseling individuals and groups to assist them in dealing with addiction, poverty, physical abuse, and physical or mental illness * Reviewing records, interviewing clients, conducting assessments, and working with other professionals to determine client’s mental and physical conditions. * Monitoring clients progress towards their goals * Educating