Holistic health: This is the approach where it will focus on many different concepts of a person’s health. Instead of focusing on the known problem or illness it will look further into the social interactions and lifestyle of that person to understand his/her problem better. A holistic concept of health looks at the physical, …show more content…
It looks at the person as they a machine that is broken and simply needs fixing. This can be related to a car, if something in the car is broken you will need to fix it. It excludes the social, environmental and psychological in influences in someone’s life. In the health care profession they mostly only focus on the health history of that person, in order for them to investigate the genetic health issues. The biomedical model focuses on the tests, symptoms that have been done to confirm what is wrong with them instead of looking into the social-medical model. The goal of the biomedical model of health is to return the individual to their healthy state. Throughout this process they reply purely of expensive facilities and medical technology in order for them to determine the illness and to reach the …show more content…
It would look into the person’s lifestyle in depth including several factors. For one the individual’s environment would be important in how they determine to treat and cure them. If the individual lives in a damp house near a polluted area it’s likely that they will focus on this aspect. The person’s lifestyle would have a large impact on the person’s health as they may have a poor diet or they smoke/drink heavily. A social-medical approach will look into what makes that person ill instead of just treating it. By focusing in what can lead that person into poorer health it would improve the well-being and health. Overall by doing this it would make the population healthier as they are focusing of society’s