Biophilic architecture, the concept of healthy sustainable architecture
Associat prof. Dr. Arch. Amjad Almusaed1 Dr. Ing. Asaad Almssad2 Dr.Adm. Zaki Khalil Abdushaik3 and Dr. Agro. Salih Khalil4
Arkitektskole, Aarhus, Denmark ABETONG AB - Hallstahammar, Sweden 3 Almustansrie university, Baghdad, Iraq 4 Mesopotamia irrigation, Babylon, Iraq Amjad_almusaed@yahoo.com
ABSTRACT: Today, upon reflecting on the various settings and experiences of our lives, we should be able to find some fairly close matches between characteristics we like and characteristics that would have improved our chances of survival. In our course we perceive that the natural contiguous keeps us healthy and in turn, probably promotes physical performance as well. Occupants of built environments don’t want simply to work, play, eat, or sleep in a functional building. They want to be inspired, invigorated, comforted, and reassured by their surroundings. They want spaces that will make them more appropriate, comfortable. Biophilic architecture offers an exciting opportunity to achieve environmental, moral, social and economic benefits. Much remains to be understood about energy, environmental and life-cycle processes to engage young and enthusiastic researchers in the world-wide greenly architecture community and for those interested in biophilic architecture. The concept of biophilia deserves a deeper explanation. The hypothesis is that this affiliation leads to positive responses in terms of human performance and health even emotional states. The new movement aims to create environmentally friendly, energy-efficient buildings and developments by effectively managing natural resources. Keywords: biophilic architecture, Health, ecologic, energy, green building elements
The earth is our sustainers, the chain of ecologic survival. Renew ability is the
References: [1] Amjad Almusaed, Intelligent sustainable strategies upon passive bioclimatic houses, Arkitektskole in Aarhus, Denmark, 2004 [2] Asaad Almsaad, Underground thermal inertia such a source of energy for bio-sustainable house, the 2005 world sustainable building, Tokyo, Japan [3] B. Givoni, Passive and low energy cooling of buildings, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, USA, 1994 [4] Roger Ulrich, “Biophilia, Biophobia, and Natural Landscapes,” 75 [5] Judith H. Heerwagen and Gordon H. Orians, “Humans Habitats and Aesthetics,” The Biophilia Hypothesis, Island Press, Washington DC, 142– 146. [6] Grant Hildebrand, the Origins of Architectural Pleasure, 2003, 10. [7] Roger Ulrich, “Biophilia, Biophobia, and Natural Landscapes, 2002, 106–107. [8] Zaki Khalil, the large concept of marketing, Amman, Jordan, 2001 4. MARKETING POLICY For marketing, the general trend to wellness and health, high living quality and modernity could be used. The economical biophilic architecture provides us with the opportunity to reach extremely low levels of energy consumption by employing high quality, cost-efficient measures to general building components - such measures are in turn of advantage to the health, ecology and economy sector. A conflict often appears in architecture between the economical aspects, on one hand, and the quality of architectural products on the other hand. Our mission is to realize a device that represents the balance that can be created by a functionalconstructive issue generating the healthy and the economical forms of architectural produce. The concept of optimal biophilic architecture takes in evidence the optimal balance between the quality and all economical aspects. 5. CONCLUSION The vital objective of biophilic architecture is to outline attributes and put them into a clear, sensible, organized format so developers, designers, planners, and architects can learn about the importance of a connection to the natural environment in all their building projects.