On top of the list of alternatives for plastics that we currently use , is the Bioplastic which is one of many remedies scientists are really looking forward for and relying on. Bioplastics are plastics derived from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, pea starch or microbiota. Bioplastic types such as starch-based plastics or PHA are potentially biodegradable. This feature is directly linked to the chemical structure of the polymer and can benefit particular applications. Biodegradable plastic types offer new ways of recovery and recycling (organic recycling). If certified compostable according to international standards such as the EN 13432 (preferably by an independent third party), these plastics can be composted in industrial composting plants.
Along with the growth in variety of bioplastic materials, properties such as flexibility, durability, printability, transparency, barrier, heat resistancy, gloss and many more have been significantly