The discussion of the biosocial theory and the social structure theory in criminology has churned for years and has stemmed from the idea of nature or nurture. These two theories were derived and heavily influenced by the Darwinian theory of Pangenesis and natural selection; in the earlier times of this debate, the dominant view was the biosocial theory which claimed crime is the product of biological and environmental factors. After the emergence of sociology, the prominent view was confronted by the social structure theory which stated that a disadvantaged economic class is the primary causation of crime. As the social structure theory removed the biosocial theory out of favor, scholars began to argue that crime was a result of differential socialization. Moreover, due to the recent advances in biological science, the …show more content…
Social disorganization is seen as the inability of communal members to attain shared values, consequently involving and experiencing crime. Cultural deviancy is that conformity to the cultural norms of lower class society causes crime. The lower-class has its own set of social values, which are in conflict with any sort of conventional norms; as this conflict continues, the crime rate will undeniably increase. Under the cultural deviancy theory, three other theories emerge such as the focal concern theory, the theory of delinquent subcultures, and the theory of opportunity. The focal concern theory emphasizes the roles of social networking and its tendency of lower-class influencing other lower-classes. Last but not least, the strain theory states that social structures pressure populations to commit a variety of crimes. Factors that contribute to the strain theory are a failure to achieve positively valued goals, the incoherence of expectations and achievements, as well as many others