This is about the 3 Stages; they are Ancient, Classical, and Modern biotechnology which are today. In Ancient biotechnology involves early civilization. Some of the earliest example of biotechnology is the domestication of plants and animals. Domestication began over 10,000 years ago when our ancestors started keeping plants as a reliable source of food. Rice, barley and wheat were among the first domesticated plants. Wild animals were tamed to provide milk or meat or help with plugging or guarding the farm. The dog, sheep and goat are thought to be among the first animals that were domesticated. Then the Classical biotechnology which follows ancient biotechnology in which stage makes wide spread use of methods from ancient, especially fermentation, and last is the modern biotechnology. In this time, many methods are developed through classical biotechnology are widely used today. In short amount of time, large quantities of food products and other materials are produced. There are the peoples involved in the history of Biotechnology. They are Anton Van Leeuwenhoek, Gregor Mendel, Johann Friedrich Miescher, Walter Sutton, Thomas Hunt Morgan, Ernst Ruska, Alexander Fleming, Rosalind Elsie Franklin, Watson and Crick, Norman Borlaug, Mary Claire King, Ian Wilmut and other scientist who contributed in the field of
This is about the 3 Stages; they are Ancient, Classical, and Modern biotechnology which are today. In Ancient biotechnology involves early civilization. Some of the earliest example of biotechnology is the domestication of plants and animals. Domestication began over 10,000 years ago when our ancestors started keeping plants as a reliable source of food. Rice, barley and wheat were among the first domesticated plants. Wild animals were tamed to provide milk or meat or help with plugging or guarding the farm. The dog, sheep and goat are thought to be among the first animals that were domesticated. Then the Classical biotechnology which follows ancient biotechnology in which stage makes wide spread use of methods from ancient, especially fermentation, and last is the modern biotechnology. In this time, many methods are developed through classical biotechnology are widely used today. In short amount of time, large quantities of food products and other materials are produced. There are the peoples involved in the history of Biotechnology. They are Anton Van Leeuwenhoek, Gregor Mendel, Johann Friedrich Miescher, Walter Sutton, Thomas Hunt Morgan, Ernst Ruska, Alexander Fleming, Rosalind Elsie Franklin, Watson and Crick, Norman Borlaug, Mary Claire King, Ian Wilmut and other scientist who contributed in the field of