Claudine Robinson
CSNL 526
January 12, 2012
Dr. Michelle McGuire
Individual research Paper
Bipolar Manic Depression
Bipolar Disorder is a mental illness that affect between 0.8% and 1.6% of the population that is at least one out of every 100 persons. It affects women as well as men and usually starts somewhere around a person’s teens or late twenties. This particular depression has to do with mood swings and causes people to go from highs/cheerful and blissful to lows/sad and disgusted. Concerning this form of depression, people are not alike; it differs with each individual. A person who is diagnosed with bipolar manic depression faces many concerns about this different disease. Bipolar Depression is the more popular term for Manic Depressive disease. “Although no single cause of depression has been identified, it appears that interaction among genetic, biochemical, environmental, and psychosocial factors may play a role. The fact is depression is not a personal weakness or a condition that can be willed or wished away, but it can be successfully treated” (About Depression, par 1). “Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic psychiatric disorder characterized by recurrent, alternating episodes of depression and mania. Two types exist: BD I, which is characterized by one or more episodes of mania or mixed symptoms (i.e., both mania and depression), usually with a major depressive episode; and BD II, which is characterized by one or more major depressive episodes with at least one mild episode of mania (hypomania). Episodes usually last for one week or more, and four or more episodes (rapid cycling) may occur in a year “(Caple, & Cabrera, 2012). Also, the way a patient present their case to the physician plays an important part of their diagnoses. A keen awareness of bipolar disorder is most important; in helping a patient and knowing the symptoms and signs to look for. Most physicians do not have the accurate knowledge of this