Jeremiah Irby
December 9, 2010
Magnet Biology
9th Grade
Table of Contents
Experimental Design………………………………………
Materials/ Method………………………………………….
Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to see which color of feeder that people commonly use would be the one that birds eat seed from the most. I became interested in this idea because I like birds and animals period and I wanted to find out more about them and their eating habits. So out of the five feeders of orange, red, green, blue, and white that were put out the orange was favored the most. We could learn a lot from this experiment because it is still hard for us to imagine how birds perceive color. This impacts the study of bird behavior, and our grasp of how birds navigate during migration, classify objects, and interact socially and sexually. For example, some species we see as having identical male and female plumage differ when seen in the ultraviolet range, a difference apparent to the birds themselves. The information gained from this experiment will help society because anybody who wants birds at their house will benefit from knowing which color of feeders birds are attracted to most. Also the information gained from this experiment could affect anyone who wanted birds in their yard, or wanted to feed birds in the winter or spring. People who work for the Department of Fish and Wildlife might also be interested.
Introduction: This experiment asks a simple question: what colors are birds attracted to? The birds in this
References: By Carrie S. (Spring 1998) ⨪