People have long been inspired by the beauty, sond and varied behavior of bird, we also recognize that birds provide critucal goods and services in their habits, including seed dispersa, insect and rodent control, scavening, and pollination.
In addition, many bird species are valueable enviromental indicators , warning us of impending enviromental problems
We are Birds, Bird Institude that Reduce their Danger and Suffering, We are a global Institude crated in 2002 with an idea in mind: the protection of birds, that why we make and develop projects across the worls to prevent the decline of birds population
Conservationists warn that many birds face the same fate as their prehistoric ancestors, the dinosaurs. But it isn't an asteroid or volcanic eruption that's threatening to finish them off. The culprit, they say, stares at us from the bathroom mirror every day.
Conservation continues to be a strong focus for our organization, and we work to promote conservation initiatives at the local, state, national and international levels to protect birds, counteracting the frivolous destruction of bird habitats, the slughter of birds and the exotic bird trafficking
1.Community Both youth and adult education programs can help to inspire individuals and communities to protect and enjoy birds. Our organization plan clasess, festivals and other types of programs to bring bird to the community and in turn get the community involved in birding
2.Habitat preservation : We use part of our dues to purchasse and restore prime wildlife, such as wetlands, prairies, forests and shorelines that are critical for many different bird species
3.Formal Research: we have some Formal scientist that funded theirs studies o topics such as bird habitat needs, migration, how climate effects birds and artificial threats to birds such as throuht pollution or unregulated hunting are critical for planning effective bird conservation programs