Argumentative-Persuasive Essay Page 1
Kathleen Rice
ENC 1101-12
Argumentative-Persuasive Essay
Argumentative-Persuasive Essay Page 2
List of possible topics: 1. Pros and Cons of Birth Control
2. Pros and Cons of Adoption
3. Pros and Con of Illegitimate children
4. Why Teenagers should wait to have sex
5. Parents need to have sex talk with their teenagers
Controversial Issues: 1. Birth Control
2. Adoption
3. Teenagers raising illegitimate children
4. Teenagers having sex I pick to talk about number 3-Pros and Cons to raising illegitimate children.
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Pros: There aren’t really any pros to being an illegitimate child, except that you won’t ever have to worry about being a child of divorce and being fought over in the custody hearing at the divorce. Illegitimate children can be lucky in some ways if they are born to a really great mother like the one I have. She was an illegitimate child, and it has been hard on her all her life. Yet it didn’t hold her back in anything that she tried to do being an illegitimate child. She grew up with a wonderful mother, also she grew up to be a wonderful and loving mother …show more content…
herself. So who’s to say really whether her being illegitimate was bad for her.
My grandmother had wonderful parents who loved my mother with all their heart even though she didn’t have a father. My great grandfather became my mother’s father. Also children born of common law parents are another type of illegitimate birth. I found out things in my research I didn’t know I had no idea there are different kinds of illegitimate birth.
It’s amazing how these essays can get you hooked I hate that word illegitimate birth that puts a terrible stigma on a child’s life, that follows him or her whole life. It’s not quite as bad today as it was in the 40’s when my mother was born an illegitimate child as they called her.
Cons: Now on the other hand there are plenty of cons to being an illegitimate child.
Illegitimate children, a child born out of wedlock, a child born of parents that aren’t legally married or parents who aren’t married to each other at the time of the child’s birth. I hate the
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word illegitimate, because of the cruelty it causes to these children. Once a child is born and all its life it will be called names like Bastard, a Love Child, a Retard or, Trash or whatever these ignorant people can think to call them. What people put these children through with the name calling and the snide remarks they make about that child always just out of ear shot but always loud enough you know they mean you.
These pregnancies affect the rich and the poor alike there is no discrimination in illegitimate births it can happen to a rich girl just as easy as a poor girl it happens to people from all walks of life. Over population is more than a moral issue, it’s a health issues as well most babies conceived of the younger girls have low birth rate. Some of the children are born deformed or even still born worse yet some are never born at all the young girls panic and have an abortion because of the circumstance they may be in. Young girls have been having babies for generation’s way before they were ready to take this kind of a job on.
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Thesis Statement Illegitimate Children! Who are these children? Where do they come from you ask? How often does this happen more often then you know an illegitimate child is a child born out of wedlock oh but that is only one reason a child might be called illegitimate. If you are married and the woman is pregnant and the couple gets their marriage annulled before the baby is born that Baby is considered an illegitimate child. Another way a child is considered illegitimate is if the child is born from a sperm donor unless the husband of the mother gives his consent for this procedure to be done and that will result in the birth of a child for this couple.
Cause: Children born of common law parents are another type of illegitimate birth. I found out things in my research I didn’t know I had no idea there are different kinds of illegitimate birth.
It’s amazing how these essays can get you hooked I hate that word illegitimate birth that puts a
Terrible stigma on a child’s life, that follows him or her whole life. It’s not quite as bad today as it was in the 40’s but still those few that just have to say something usually behind your back been there had it done to me. Some of our brightest and most famous people are illegitimate children and one of those turned out to be a famous painter Leonardo da Vinci.
Illegitimate children a child born out of wedlock, a child born of parents that aren’t legally married or parents who aren’t married to each other at the time of the child’s birth I hate the word illegitimate not only because I am of illegitimate birth but because of the cruelty it causes
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to these children. What people put these children through with the name calling and the snide remarks they make about that child always just out of ear shot but always loud enough you know they mean you.
My grandmother was one of the hundreds of young girls that when they are shown a little male attention and they think the guy really cares about them let things get out of hand and nine months later here I am. My mother wrote my dad but at first he wouldn’t admit it was even barely possible he was remotely partly responsible for my conception after he saw a picture of me he admitted I was his child but he was married and he was back with his wife and she was about to have a baby so that left me and my Mother out in the cold as it has so many young women find their self.
Fortunately for my mom and me we had someone to take care of us my grandparents helped my mom and cared for me. So my Mother wrote my dad and told him he had a daughter who need a dad and she said she’s got one my dad she said the sad part is you’ll never know your daughter. When I was five my adoption was finalized and I was officially their daughter but what I didn’t know until about three or four years ago my grandfather drove almost 100 mile to our state capital and put his name on my birth certificate so it wouldn’t be stamped illegitimate
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on my birth certificate. They did that to a child’s birth certificate years ago but they don’t do it now laws have changed a lot since I was born.
Effect: These pregnancies affect the rich and the poor alike there is no discrimination in illegitimate births it can happen to a rich girl just as easy as a poor girl it happens to people from all walks of life.
Over population is more than a moral issue, it’s a health issues as well most babies conceived of the younger girls have low birth rate. Some of the children are born deformed or even still born worse yet some are never born at all the young girls panic and have an abortion because of the circumstance they may be in. Young girls have been having babies for generation’s way before they were ready to take this kind of a job
The physical and emotional change it puts your body thru is a life changing experience for them. Once a child is born and all its life it will be called names like Bastard, a Love Child, a Retard or, Trash or whatever these ignorant people can think to call them. Some women even consider abortion before the child is born rather than have an illegitimate baby especially if they
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don’t want anyone to know they had a baby or for that baby to bare the stigma that follows that kind of birth.
Some babies even ended up abandoned somewhere because neither parent wants them since the strict laws about abandonment were passed a few years ago you find less babies being abandoned now they take them somewhere they can be cared for. Even though there is a stigma attached to illegitimate births there are quite a few who have gone on to get an education and done very well with their lives. It goes to show regardless of the circumstances of your birth don’t let it hold you back you are what you make of your-self master of your own fate. It’s a big world out there put your best face on and shows the world what you can do.