
Birth Control: Pros And Cons Of Illegitimate Children

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Argumentative-Persuasive Essay
Argumentative-Persuasive Essay Page 1

Kathleen Rice

ENC 1101-12

Argumentative-Persuasive Essay

Argumentative-Persuasive Essay Page 2

List of possible topics: 1. Pros and Cons of Birth Control

2. Pros and Cons of Adoption

3. Pros and Con of Illegitimate children

4. Why Teenagers should wait to have sex

5. Parents need to have sex talk with their teenagers
Controversial Issues: 1. Birth Control

2. Adoption

3. Teenagers raising illegitimate children

4. Teenagers having sex I pick to talk about number 3-Pros and Cons to raising illegitimate children.

Argumentative-Persuasive Essay Page 3


Pros: There aren’t really any pros to being an illegitimate child, except that you won’t ever have to worry about being a child of divorce and being fought over in the custody hearing at the divorce. Illegitimate children can be lucky in some ways if they are born to a really great mother like the one I have. She was an illegitimate child, and it has been hard on her all her life. Yet it didn’t hold her back in anything that she tried to do being an illegitimate child. She grew up with a wonderful mother, also she grew up to be a wonderful and loving mother
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Over population is more than a moral issue, it’s a health issues as well most babies conceived of the younger girls have low birth rate. Some of the children are born deformed or even still born worse yet some are never born at all the young girls panic and have an abortion because of the circumstance they may be in. Young girls have been having babies for generation’s way before they were ready to take this kind of a job

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