It rises in the second half of the XIX Century, in some European countries, and a little later in the United States and other countries. For some, Social Psychology appeared in 1859, along with the revised edition of "Great Soviet Encyclopedia" by Steintahl and Lazarus. This magazine puts Social Psychology as a branch of psychology bourgeois. For others, the social psychology emerged in recent years in the 9th century, with the process of psychologizing of Sociology. As it can be seen, there is no consensus regarding the date and context in which social psychology was born.
The non-Soviet social psychology has in common with the bourgeois sociology the tendency to justify the ideology of capitalism. But you can not reduce its Social Psychology bourgeois ideological function, it also deals with real problems, and provides methods for obtaining and preparing scientific information. According to Kuzmin, Social Psychology has taken two distinct paths: one tries to meet the needs of Psychology, the other serves the policy of the ruling classes (as bourgeois sociology). Therefore, it becomes difficult to argue that social psychology is closer to psychology or sociology. To Mansurov, Social Psychology borns thanks to the successes of the various social sciences. However, it recognizes that reason alone was not enough, what was even influenced the ideological and political interests of the bourgeoisie. Mansurov reinforces the idea of seeing the social psychology as a branch of bourgeois sociology, ready to defend the ruling class in the revolutionary movement of the working class.
According to Pariguin (text author), Social Psychology, goes far beyond this ideological character that some scholars try to impose it. It would be mediocre to believe that Social Psychology serving only the interests of a minority. Who ran a little