The painting The Birth of the Virgin was placed in right side wall of gallery 603 while enter from …show more content…
He used rich colors in people’s clothes to avoid everyone looks same as each other and make everyone different by using the multiple colors. He also carefully depicted the light of the colors to make this painting would not look so depressed as using the bold colors and lead the viewer feel kind of refresh by this colorful change. Fra Carnevale used a lot of blue color, which might refer to a kind of expressive pigment, in The Birth of the Virgin since this painting also relate to the religious figure and was placed in the church of Santa Maria della Bella in Urbino.nWith this kind of mixed colors, The Birth of the Virgin seems more vividly express the subjects that Fra Carnevale wanted to …show more content…
In addition, he also depicted a scene that many birds fly on the sky in order to create the distance from the palace to ocean. The clouds look like are motive while the birds are flying. After carefully looking to the end of the road, there are some boats on the ocean. Based on boat’s size, it obviously shows that palace is far away from the ocean. Fra Carnevale focused on the great distance between the object to another object while he was create this painting. He also focused on individual’s action and posture on the painting, which can lead every figure become more reality and ideal as