A tradition is belief or behavior within a group or society which has been exist for generations with certain procedures. Every region in this world has their own traditions. Moreover in Indonesia, which already known as a country with a millions cultures. Indonesia has so much traditions from Sabang to Merauke, among others : Funeral ceremony in Toraja, Debus1 in Banten, Karapan sapi2 in Madura, Pukul Sapu3 in Mamala,and others. But, have you ever heard about “birth ritual” in Banjarmasin? Birth ritual considered as something sacred by the people of Banjarmasin. They believe that life is always accompanied by hard times which filled with threats and dangers. And, In order to be able to through it all safely, the family will hold a ritual which known as birth ritual. This ritual divided into four sessions they are pre natal, parturition, post natal and a week after natal.
This ritual started with the first session, pre natal. It is being held when the pregnancy reaches 9 months. The family should prepare some tools and equipments that will be needed at parturition later. There are : upiah pinang4, kapit5, knife, sarong, batik cloth, tasteless-flour, honey, dates, salt, a liter of rice, grain of brown sugar, a coconut, and spices.
Upiah pinang used to wrap the placenta. Kapit is used as a place to store the placenta. Knife used to cut the placenta. Meanwhile, a sarong or batik cloth used to clean the baby's body when the placenta has been cut. Tasteless-flour is used to sprinkle baby's body to be free from the interference of evil spirits. Honey, dates or salt used for greasing the baby's lips. And, a liter of rice, grain of brown sugar, grain coconuts, spices for cooking fish given to whelped-shaman as an expression of gratitude. In addition, the family has to hold thanksgiving by making kukulih6. The porridge was given a prayer, then spinned on the head of a pregnant mother. After that the porridge can be eaten by the